Here are a few thoughts that I took from it today:
ElderJ Klebingat: the Lord orchestrates things in our life that are only for us because he knows us. The Lord puts wings on testimonies and they travel. Two pains in life are pain of discipline and the pain of regret. If you do what you are suppose to there will be blessings and if you do not, those blessings will be absent. Heavenly Father loves us on the good days and bad days. He loves us with a perfect love. We need to bring our best that day. Don't compare and rank, accept and love. Our shortcomings/trials would be unfair if we did not have the Son. Get back up, repent, and move on. Look forward to that pleasing bar of God, because if we have repented, he has forgotten them (our shortcomings) and there will not be much to talk about.
Sister Klebingat bore her testimony of the truthfulness of the church. She speaks along with Helaman in Helaman 5:5, that we must remember. Remember, remember that Christ is the only one that can save us and we must fortify ourselves. If we build, we can not fall...nothing can bring us down. The gospel is a true diamond and everything else is just a glass imitation.
Elder D. Uchtdorf:
Find harmony in your wards and in your families. We all have needed voices...not great but perfect together. The gospel gives us orientation. He said he felt lost not knowing the direction until the sun came up this morning and he knew which way was East and then knew which way the river was flowing. The Lord pro,uses us that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we have a new day and orientation. Be patient to clear days. Some days are tempered with clouds but the sun will always shine again, maybe another day but it'll shine. Use the gospel to soar to new heights. Think locally about how we can better expand and share what we have. Our meetings should always be a source of invitation. Let's not wait until something comes from headquarters because it won't. Do something now. You are the church. Bible has such a powerful message. You are in the Bible Belt, use it and help make it the Book of Mormon belt too. When you talk to your friends, don't miss the beauty of the Bible nor the beauty of the restoration. He mentioned his talk "lift where you stand" and encouraged us to re-read it and make it locally. Make sure you show interest in people. Look for new faces and ask them who they are. Reach out to people. Help the young people to walk through life. Find joy in this great work. Life isn't easy but it's wonderful to serve the Lord. Be a radiance to people, bring light to the lives of others.
Elder Holland:
Do you know what it's like to travel with Elder Uchtdorf, the ladies always go nuts and the men try to stand a little taller. He (Elder Uchtdorf) had taught its not where you serve in the church but how you serve. He made a funny that when stake presidents are released they pray and fast to be nursery workers and those who don't fast and pray hard enough, go to Boy Scouts. Haha. It's not where you serve but how. The organization chart of the church is not anything a corporation can do or the government. It guarantees that the keys of the kingdom are every absent on earth. Sometimes we are so close to history that we do not know we are making it. Do you think you are the only person in this world that has had a bad day? Neither you or I are the only ones that faced things we never want to face. Sometimes there isn't any other way but to have these things happen. Christ was the only who could do what he did and there was no other way. Have we ever thought enough what the father went through watching his perfect son agonize and go through what his son did. The atonement wasn't an abstraction and the crucifixion was not a walk in the park. The people who stood by and heard this conversation between God and Jesus, some thought it was thunder and some thought an angel speaking. Lesson one- we are the ones on trial not the gospel. How do you hear it and how do you respond too it. Another lesson is the night before crucifixion and last supper, a women poured ointment on Christ. Some wondered why waste ointment. Christ said leave her alone "she hath done what she could" (Mark 14:8) Elder Holland says do what you can and we ought to do that and not less. Do what you can! Whether in church service, raising a family, or having family home evening. And lastly, love one another. It's this simple- LOVE EACH OTHER. That's the way people in the world will know you are a disciple of Christ is by loving one another. We know God is God because he loves us. We may break his heart but he loves us. Do what you can go and love each other. Life and life the truth- the simplicity and its power. Left an apostolic blessing to bless us in our marriages, families, children, those struggling. We leave a blessing fir you to know God lives and lives you and if we do what we can, we will be saved in the last day.