Sunday, September 29, 2019

Talk on Preparation and Blessings of General Conference

Blessings and Preparing for general conference (9/29/2019)

The Ant and the Grasshopper (Aesop’s Fables)
            It was summer, hot and sunny, and, instead of working and preparing for winter, a Grasshopper preferred to dance, sing and play his violin at his leisure, not minding that these wonderful days will soon be over, that cold and rainy days will soon be near. On seeing a hardworking Ant passing by him, preparing for the hard winter that was to come one day, he invited him to join him and share his fun.
            “Unfortunately, I don’t have time for this”, the Ant answered, “I must work hard, so that winter won’t find me without shelter and food.”
“Stop worrying so much, there is still plenty of time to prepare for winter. Let’s sing and dance together, let’s laugh and enjoy life”.
            But Ant was very wise and wouldn’t pay attention to the Grasshopper’s words and continued to work hard and store food for the long winter that was to come.
            The winter came sooner than expected, and the Grasshopper found himself without home and without food. He went to the Ant’s house and begged him for food and shelter.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help you”, the Ant said. “I only have room and food for me and my family, so go find help somewhere else.”
            “I should have followed Ant’s example in the summer”, the Grasshopper thought sadly. “I would have been so happy now…”
Moral:  Prepare for the hard days to come.
            In our world today, the Lord has given us help and ways to prepare for the hard days and trials that may come.  He has also given us ways to combat or avoid some things that we may bring on ourselves. He has given us the direction we need, and all this is done through living prophets and apostles. We are fortunate to listen/watch general conference twice a year and to har from all at once.
What is General Conference?
            General Conference happens twice a year, in the spring and fall.  It’s a large meeting where leaders, including the Prophet and his apostles, of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, speak on a variety of spiritual topics.  These are the only two Sundays of the year where we don’t attend our regular meetings at our local church-house. It is held in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, but because there are 15 million members from all over the world, it is broadcast via satellite in 100+ countries. 
            Now, take a moment and reflect on the unique phenomena general conference is- what we as Latter-day Saints believe such conferences to be and what we invite the world to hear and observe about them. We testify to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people that God not only lives but also that He speaks, that for our time and in our day the counsel you have heard is, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, “the will of the Lord, … the word of the Lord, … the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation.” (Elder Jeffrey R. Holland)
            The speakers are fabulous.  Some talks, I like more than others, usually depending on what is happening in my life, there are certain messages that touch my heart more profoundly.  Some talks put my right to sleep… their soothing voice, their sweet message… Sometimes my kids are fighting, we are traveling, or I drop a hammer on my head trying to out up Halloween during the songs or between sessions (yes, that happened).  But luckily, we live in the technological era where it can be recorded or instantly viewed/ listened to again later.
The Speakers
            The prophet, apostles, and other men and women who serve mortal messengers with angelic messages, men and women who have all the physical and financial and family difficulties you and I have but who with faith have consecrated their lives to the callings that have come to them and the duty to preach God’s word, not their own. Men and women tasked to reach members, non-members, the young, the old, the married, and non-married, and to stress the eternal verities of faith, hope, charity, and testify of Christ, speaking very straight forward on very specific moral issues of the day. Speaking with generosity and the open- arms of Christ. In the variations of sermons given, there is something for everyone.
            Elder Robert D Hales in the talk General Conference: Strengthening Faith and Testimony provides more insight on how the men and women at the pulpit arrive at their message to be shared. Speakers are not assigned specific topics. Over weeks and months, often through sleepless nights, we wait upon the Lord. Through fasting, praying, studying, and pondering, we learn the message that He wants us to give. Elder Hales continues, conveying how this same pattern should relate to our lives.
            “This same idea is true for all members. We study out in our minds what we need and desire from Heavenly Father, and we pray to understand and apply that which we are taught. taught. As the time for conference arrives, we sacrifice other activities, “lay[ing] aside the things of this world, [to] seek for the things of a better.” Then we gather our families to hear the word of the Lord, as King Benjamin’s people did.  Children and youth love to be included. We make a serious mistake if we assume that the conference is above their intellect and spiritual sensitivity. The Lord will tell you what He wants you to do with your life.
            When taking notes at conference, I do not always write down exactly what the speaker is saying; I note the personalized direction the Spirit is giving me. What is said is not as important as what we hear and what we feel. That is why we make an effort to experience conference in a setting where the still, small voice of the Spirit can be clearly heard, felt, and understood.
            The world is moving away from the Lord faster and farther than ever before. We may not know all the reasons why the prophets and conference speakers address us with certain topics in conference, but the Lord does. There will be some things that take patience and faith. You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It may contradict your [personal] views. It may contradict your social views. It may interfere with some of your social life. (Earrings as teenager- Just do it!)  As a youth, I recall when we were asked to remove all but one pair of earrings and I was one of those “cool youth” with multiple sets. While I have no profound example of blessings directly from heeding that counsel and removing my earrings, I can say that it is much easier to just do things when asked and try not to doubt.   But if you listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord Himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against you; … and the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory’ (D&C 21:6).”
            The greatest blessings of general conference come to us after the conference is over. Remember the pattern recorded frequently in scripture: we gather to hear the words of the Lord, and we return to our homes to live them.
            After King Benjamin taught his people, “he dismissed the multitude, and they returned, everyone, according to their families, to their own houses.” In his day, King Limhi did the same.  After teaching and ministering to the people at the temple in Bountiful, the Savior entreated the people, “Go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again.”
            Heavenly Father wants us to regularly study and apply what we have learned in conference. Heavenly Father has provided the way. The messages are almost instantly at our fingertips, there is no more waiting. Anytime, anywhere, we can enlarge our knowledge, strengthen our faith and testimony, protect our families, and lead them safely home.”
            One of my personal favorites is Elder Jeffrey R Holland.  In preparation for this talk, I ran across a talk with him full of emotion as he gave this powerful prophetic promise: " If we teach by the Spirit and you listen by the Spirit, some one of us will touch on your circumstance, sending a personal prophetic epistle just to you.”.
Preparations for Conference
1.     Dedicate yourself to truly listening
2.     Pray and think about questions you have
3.     Study past conference talks
4.     Keep a notebook or journal nearby during talks
5.     Prepare in advance
6.     Share gospel related messages on social media
7.     Develop gratitude
8.     Prepare your home and clear your schedule
9.     Pray to feel Heavenly Fathers Love
10.  Attend the temple
11.  Be ready to act on the answers you receive
12.  Run all your errands ahead of time
13.  Clear your schedule, yep easier said than done…
Real Talk
            So, if general conference is as Awesome as it sounds, then why do we, me included, so often happen to miss sessions or not recall many of the talks from previous conferences. I can have ever intention to actually sit down and watch conference, especially on Saturday but the reality is we have four children and cannot dictate all the schedules from the beginning or predict what they will be…but what I can do is have it on, whether we are at home or in car.  Now, I am not saying that it will be watched or listened to intently but at least it is on. And if everyone is home, why not just turn it up so loud that there is no choice but to listen.
            Children are a handful and it can be difficult to sit them down for two hour stretches to watch conference. There’s no expectation that children should sit still the whole time, so help them channel that energy into Church related activities.  It’s a lot of prep work as a parent, but it pays off big time if you and they get the opportunity to be fed spiritually.
            I am also not one of those cute, crafty moms who puts together these cute little conference bags or make conference bingo. Heck, I barely do good to grab donuts.  There was this one year, I decided to try to make having homemade cinnamon rolls a tradition for each general conference, secretly hoping that my kids would always want to come home for conference (although now we are like we are ready for us time, yet, we know the time will come we will want the chaos again) but, yeah, that did not work I am also not a baker. So, I just make whatever we are feeling that day…maybe it is nachos or maybe it is a cereal bar.
            While at my brother in laws this summer, one thing his family does is try to listen a conference talk or two each week in between sessions.  Why not make that a Sunday activity?
            So, what can I do to prepare more fully?
Prepare for Distractions.
            What if you need to work during General Conference? What if you have small children at home and it’s difficult to listen to a speaker for longer than 5 minutes? Life happens, and that’s OK. But there are some things you can start doing to help you prepare to get as much out of conference as you can.
            If you have work or other commitments during the live General Conference broadcast, plan a different time to watch or listen intently. You can still gain the spiritual insight you need on a different day. Just make sure you treat that time you set aside as a special time to focus on General Conference messages.  Everything is available online very soon after conference ends.
And if by change we can catch it liveor even when listening late
1.     Write down question before conference starts. Go home, reflect on it and write them down  throughout the week. Remember, there will be at least one message that speaks to us. From the Bible, in the book of Revelations, we read, “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith…” (Revelations 3:22)
2.     Research some of the speakers, get to know them. (Elder Uchtdorf- pilot, President Nelson- loss of wife, daughter, and remarried, Sheri Dew- never married, and Uncle Jeff- Jeffrey R Holland, not really my uncle but felt I knew him through is nephew on my mission).
3.     Seek to learn of Christ.  Listen to the messages and testimonies of those given.
4.     Seek the Spirit
5.     Watch for themes- After watching some of general conference, you might notice that you’ve heard a topic or theme mentioned more than once. The patterns you notice may be one way the Spirit helps you recognize something you need to learn.
6.     Take note of the Book of Mormon
7.     Set goals for Study - In the end, general conference means nothing if we don’t act on the things we learned and the answers we received. In days, weeks, or months until the next conference, study the messages again, review your notes, and set goals for things you want to work on.
·       What challenges did you hear that you want to accept?
·       Were there scriptures shared you want to memorize?
8.     Be motivated and Prepared to Act on the counsel and inspiration received.  “And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost. “(Moroni 10:4)
Paul Johnson touches on the importance to act in a previous talk.
The Blessings of General Conference by Paul V. Johnson
            This wonderful time in which we live is also filled with peril. You live in challenging times where many temptations and dangers await you.
            It is not surprising that in the face of tremendous evil and temptation the Lord does not leave us to find our way on our own. In fact, there is more than enough guidance available to each of us if we will listen. You have received the gift of the Holy Ghost to direct and inspire you. You have the scriptures, parents, Church leaders and teachers. You also have the words of the prophets, seers, and revelators who live in our day. There is so much guidance and direction available that you won’t make major mistakes in your life unless you consciously ignore the guidance you receive.
            In order for the messages of general conference to change our lives, we need to be willing to follow the counsel we hear…But knowing “how to act” isn’t enough…willingness to take action on what we have learned opens the doors for marvelous blessings.
            Every time we are obedient to the words of the prophets and apostles, we reap great blessings. We receive more blessings than we can understand at the time, and we continue to receive blessings long after our initial decision to be obedient.
            Decide now to make general conference a priority in your life. Decide to listen carefully and follow the teachings that are given. Listen to or read the talks more than once to better understand and follow the counsel. By doing these things, the gates of hell will not prevail against you, the powers of darkness will be dispersed from before you, and the heavens will shake for your good.
Elder Uchtdorf states 3 short ways that we can receive answers and revelation pertaining to our lives by and through general conference.
1. Members of the church are entitled to personal revelation as they listen to and study the inspired words spoken at general conference. 
(As you prepare for general conference, I invite you to ponder questions you need to have answered….there are messages in each general conference given as a gift and a blessing from heaven specifically for our personal life situations.)
2. Don't discount the message merely because it sounds familiar.
3. The words spoken at general conference should be a compass that points the way for us during the coming months
            But, really… General Conference is awesome.  One thing I plan to do before it starts, is to think of all the questions currently on my mind, things I may be struggling with.  Like right now, I have just been feeling overwhelmed with life and worries for family (primarily parents and sisters).  I would love to know a better way to organize my life, have the confidence to cut out any needless responsibilities that take time from my family, and know what to say and how to say it touch the lives of my sisters.  I would love to be more in tune to the needs of my children and my husband.  To be able to recognize the best ways to teach them and to love them.  I would love any inspiration on more ways that I can be good.  Anyway, it has been said that when approaching conference with questions on the mind and a prayer in the heart, you will receive answers. Elder Robert D Hales promised: “I promise that if you will listen, you will feel the Spirit well up within you. The Lord will tell you what He wants you to do with your life. In conferences we can receive the word of the Lord meant just for us."
            I may have been distracted here and there from conference sessions, but I always come away feeling inspired and feeling like Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of me.  And THAT, my friends, is why we should be obsessed with General Conference.  It makes us feel good. Each person is a unique individual and is touched by different talks for different reasons. That’s what’s so great about General Conference; there’s something for everyone!
That is why we want to share it with our children, even though they may only understand small portions of it.  Any portion is a good portion.
            May we be diligent in not only doing our best that our circumstances allow in  preparing for conference but even more diligent in the heeding the messages taught. We must do as taught in Helaman 5:12: “And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.”
            God loves me just as He loves His living prophets. I am one of the reasons for living prophets. God loves me just as He loves Joseph Smith. I am one of the reasons for the Restoration. God loves me just as He loves Jesus. I am one of the reasons for the Atonement. God obeys laws to preserve my freedom. He is bound to. Beyond this, He is also bound to love me as I learn to use that freedom. I know Heavenly Father will not forget us—nor can He. His heart can’t and won’t let go. He is bound to love me—not because I am good, but because He is good. 
            End with challenge to fill your “testimony tank” this upcoming conference.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My main squeeze...

I love this guy....... I love that he holds me at night and that he reaches for my hand to hold it. I just love him....
and the other gal too, my sister, Charity Dilgard (we ended up at the temple on the same night).

Grandmother's Memorial

Mom and dad did a memorial for grandmother this evening at their home. It was not easy for me to see my dad cry and it made me sad.  On the way home I reflected just about my relationship or lack thereof with her and I felt a little remorse.  Jake asked my problem with her and I could not really say one except I felt she had little to do with us and did not put forth the effort to see us often (although I am sure my parents contributed as well). Below is the memorial written by my dad (John William Eaton III but know John Eaton Rochelle).

Anna Christine Eaton

In 1937, Evelyn and Chester Hoffman had a sweet baby girl in Saint Louis and named her Anna Christine. Christine’s life spanned from June 18, 1937 thru September 25, 2019. Here’s a taste of some of the cherished memories that marked the life of the wonderful person that sweet baby girl became as she offered the charity in her heart to provide for others.

As a child, the smart-witted Christine found ways to be a little momma to her younger sister and brother. She helped care for their needs collecting food and other life necessities. One Christmas, when times were hard, she took her sister & brother around to department stores’ Santa Clause booths collecting little trinket gifts to hand out on Christmas morning.

Christine was 16 when she married JW to start a family of her own. They had six children: Sandy, Johnny, Linda, Jimmy, Andy, and Anna Marie. Day in &

day out, she looked for ways to satisfy their physical & spiritual needs. She became a Registered Nurse to supplement the family income. Besides cooking meals, baking pies, writing poems, drawing pictures, singing songs, going to parades, and driving her children around looking at Christmas lights, Christine set a good example visiting the sick, teaching Sunday School classes, helping neighbors, and going out of her way to help comfort the poor and needy. Christine didn’t say goodbye to her children; she said “I love you and God bless you.” She was a joy to her family and to the community.

Grandmother Christine loved her grandchildren and cherished the time spent visiting them. They’d go to ball games, beaches, cheerleading practices, and much more. While on one of her last visits, the 82 year old ailing Grandmother Christine laughed, telling her children that as she was resting in bed, she overheard one of her great granddaughters whisper, “Do you want to see an 80 year old woman?” Grandmother opened her eyes to see several curious little grandchildren standing at her bedside staring at her.

Fifty years ago, she’d penned a poem about Sandy, Johnny, Linda, Andy and Anna Marie playing under the old oak tree in their yard. The last verse said, “Even the old oak tree must die”. Now they learn, “Even the old woman must die.”

                                                                                                             --------jer 9/26/2019

Anna Christine Eaton
Christine’s family
Her father Chester Hoffman has passed.
Her mother Evelyn Jones has passed.
Her sister Marion Maxine Patton lives in Mobile, Alabama Her brother James (Jimmy) Burlison has passed

Christine’s Descendants
Daughter Sandra Eaton Wedgworth and Wedge:
Grandchildren are Amy Scott Williamson, Sara Scott Buchannan and Lisa Wedgworth Duke

Amy is married to Ronnie. Children are Dalton Englet and Jordan Williamson
Sara is married to Jamie. Children are Hunter Brauer, Logan Hughes, and Lilly Farler

Lisa Wedgworth Duke is married to Dale. Child is Zoey. 
Son John Eaton-Rochelle and Diane:
Grandchildren are Renee’ Eaton Farrell, Michael Eaton, Sandra Eaton Adamson, James Eaton, Rebekah Eaton, and Charity Eaton Dilgard.
Renee is married to Jake. Children are Ginny, Aubree, Will, and Christopher. Michael is married to Amy. Children are Seth, Sydney, Chloe, Clair, and Sam. Sandra is married to Brent. Children are Elijah, Madelynn, Nolan, Clark, and Miles. James is married to Kara. Children are Elle, Jack, Annie, and Josie
Rebekah is engaged to be married to Adam in November.
Charity’s children are Riley, Izzy, Johnny, and Charlie. 
Daughter Linda Eaton Esra and Bill:
Grandchildren are Billy Esra, David Esra, Angela Esra Holland, and Steven Esra
Billy is married to Susan. Children are Phoebe, Tyler, Cissy
David is married to Sarah. Children are Colton Thomas, Mason Esra, and Cooper Esra Angela is married to Jamie. Children are Tyler, and Drew.
Steven has passed.

Son James Anthony Eaton passed when 1 year old. 
Son James Andrew Eaton and Cathy:
Grandchildren are Adam Waugh, Andrew Eaton, Tiffanie Eaton Morgan, Aly Waugh Frensley, and Destiny Eaton
Tiffanie is married to Jon. Children are Jesse, and Jack.
Aly is married to Josh. Children are Drayden, Keegan, and Mia 
Daughter Anna Marie Allen and Bobby: Anna Marie has passed.
Grandchildren are David Cook, Raymond Cook, Christy Cook Griffin, and Derrick Cook David has passed.
Raymond. Child is Mason
Christy is married to Cody: Children are Sawyer, and Sissy 

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Anna Christine Eaton

Early Monday, my parents received a call that my dad’s mom, Anna Christine Eaton, was in the hospital in critical condition. They left that day to go see her and to meet my dad’s brother James Andrew Eaton and Sandra Kay Wedgeworth.  Grandmother Christine passed away early this morning about 3:00 surrounded by her living children with the exception of my Aunt Linda. Although I was not close to my grandmother, my heart aches for my dad and his siblings.  She was born June 18, 1937 and passed away September 25, 2019.


Saturday, September 21, 2019

Life as the Farrell's know it

Life as the Farrell's know is as busy as always...sometimes I wonder how we allowed our selves to become this busy.  I am sure that some of it has to do with the fact that we have four kids.  Aubree auditioned and received a role in the play "Trap" and is not experiencing the "joys" of hormones, which explains her moodiness the last little bit.  Either way, she is still a joy in our lives but we still have not managed to get her permit (not from lack of effort...she lost the form once, forget necessary paperwork, and the last time after we re-requested the letter from the school, we made it just in time but due to being over capacity, they had stopped for the day).  Ginny is as busy as she can be applying for colleges- we are trying to figure out this whole little process together.  The boys are the boys....they have been helping their dad a lot in the yard. It is obvious they look up to him and aspire to become more like him (which is a good thing because I think he is a keeper).  We were able to attend Sandra and Brent's branch last Sunday to be a part of their special day blessing Miles.  Rebekah also got engaged this month.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Happy Birthday Aubree!

Happy 15th Birthday Aubree!  You are an example of obedience, faith, and growing a testimony of the Savior.  We are fortunate that you are our daughter. You excel in the things you love and always put forth your best effort. Your personality of bubbliness is contagious.  We love you!

According to you, Aubree:
You currently want to be when you grow up: Nurse and "moonlight" my way to higher degrees of the medical field
Your favorite color is: Blue
Your favorite show is: Parks and Rec.
Your favorite game is: Ticket to Ride/ Deception
Your favorite toy or activity is: Theater
Your favorite boy is: Jesus
You are really good at: Acting/ Painting 
Your best friend is: Anna Wright
You want to vacation to: Greece (Naxos, maybe)
Your favorite ice cream is: Icing on the Cake
Your wish is to be: Someone that brings light/ joy into people's lives
Your hero is: Papaw or Dad
Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: Hang out, bake
Your favorite holiday is: Christmas (because it's centered around Christ)
Your favorite person in the whole world is: Jesus
Your favorite song(s) is: Stereo and Nothing More (Alternate Routes)/ Bread songs (specifically their love songs)/ Fly me to the moon (Frank Sinatra)/ My Little Prayer (David Archuleta)
Your favorite restaurant is: Gus's World Famous Fried Chicken
Your favorite foods are: Dad's burgers, Mom's pork burritos
If you had $1000 you would buy (after paying tithing): I'd probably put some into savings and then either pay off part of my student debt or help someone in my family with financial aid, with whatever little money is left. ;)

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Am I enough?

Before I pour out my heart or parts of it, yes, I am that mom, whom neglected to get back to school photos.  School started back on August 13th. Ginny is a senior (12th grade), Aubree, a sophomore (10th grade), Will enters his first year as a middle schooler (6th grade), and Christopher is a loner this year with no siblings in the same grade (4th grade).  We are now three weeks into the school year and thus far, so far so good. Ginny also purchased a little 2005 Corolla to be her on car. Let me clarify, Jake and I purchased it but she intends to pay us back.  When she does give us money, we put right back into a savings account for her.
Am I enough?  There are so many times that I feel that I make people's lives or experiences worse because I am a part of them.  I truly am sorry about those times.  There have been moments when I wanted to apologize to my inlaws for not being whom they would have chosen for Jake to marry and the inadequacy in being the mother to their grand children.  Jake and my kids both deserve so much better.  I fail to instill in the knowledge of how AMAZING they are, the joy they bring into the lives of others, and their potential as sons and daughters of a king.
Tonight, we went to Jackson for dinner (Becky's boyfriend flew in for the weekend and is meeting the family) and we kept Riley and Charlie for the weekend so Charity could attend a singles conference, so we carried them back home. Sandra and Becky were expressing some frustrations and I shared frustrations back about them sharing those frustrations.  In my feeble attempt to try to be non-judgemental and just be good for others, I was judgemental towards them. I am certain that I ruined the evening.  I feel that I do that regularly when family is together and thus I should avoid family get togethers, but I long to be there with everyone. Yet in so doing, I fail my parents, my sisters, my husband, my children, and in addition tonight Stella and Adam (Becky's guy).  I am unsure what my problem is or what is wrong with me?
I have tried so hard to be more diligent in reading my scriptures more regularly and even follow an on-line blog called "Don't miss this", which I love.  Most days I can tell a difference as I am more aware of seeing the good and remembering the teachings of Paul. The last month, I have really come to love Paul as I have read Romans and 1st Corinthians.  I love that he ministers and teaching that we are of value and have already been purchased by God, but yet I find it hard to see in myself.
This past week Ginny posted a reminder of this love on instagram...while I was reminded of God's love, I wondered how I was oblivious to the hard time she referred to in her post: "I stumbled across this picture the other day and I absolutely love it. I love how Christ is holding her so tenderly. It shows the scars in his hands where he suffered for us that He could know our pains and struggles.  I know that Christ loves us perfectly. I've had some struggles the past few weeks and He has been there for me every step of the way. He died so that I live and I will be forever grateful to Him.". What an absolute beautiful reminder and testimony from my daughter!  After inquiring about her struggles, it was about attending the branch and seminary this year but she is doing both with what at least appears to be a cheerful heart!