So today as we had home church over 3 Nephi 20-26 and a part of it speaks of Malachi 3:10 ("Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.)", this week as I was studying Come Follow Me a new meaning about tithing and the windows of heaven stuck out to me in something I heard or read. I guess in my mind the windows of heaven opening was about our needs being met and we have been recipients of that when Jake was in school and somehow out bills were able to paid. But my new knowledge involves temples and temple work. It dawned on me those windows of heaven could be work done in temples (for the living and dead) that binds families forever and our tithes pay for temples. That’s the real window to heaven.
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Where does time go?
Aubree taking her driver's test |
Boys snuggle during home church |
Periodic table tile shirts |
Hocus Pocus Shirts |
The Farrell Family...
will not depart from the faith, because we are firm, steadfast, and immoveable, willing with all diligence to keep the commandments of the Lord. (see 3 Nephi 5-7)
SERVES GOD with diligence night & day.
WILL NOT DOUBT the prophet.
FORSAKES sin & abomination.
PREACHES GOD’S LOVE to all & will not oppress or persecute
NOTICES the great and marvelous things (the tender mercies too)
STRIVES TO KEEP order in the land by upholding laws that are just & equitable.
RECEIVES RAILINGS & persecution but does not revile against them but is humble.
KEEPS PEACE of the land in our family.
ENDEAVORS to be humble.
RECEIVES INSPIRATION from heaven to STAND, TEACH, & boldly TESTIFY about the Savior.
HAS GREAT FAITH and HOLDS FAST to personal revelation
TURNS TOWARDS righteousness.
HONORS & PARTICIPATES in the power of the Priesthood of God.
REMAINS clean with continual repentance (turning back to God).
BRINGS MIRACLES to others and is one.
WILL NOT YEILD to Satan’s powers
TESTIFIES of repentance through Christ.
WATCHES for the signs of the Savior.
RECOGNIZES God’s miracles.
EXPRESSES GRATITUDE for God’s hand in our lives.
FINDS REASONS to bless the Savior.
STUDIES the scriptures and words of the prophets.
TESTIFIES of the Spirit of God & allows the Spirit to be our guide.
KEEPS the COMMANDMENTS & recognizes how the Lord blesses & prospers us.
MINISTERS to others.
LIVES AS A DISCIPLE of Jesus Christ.
Beautiful reminder
Yesterday at 11:55 pm, Jake posted the following on is a beautiful reminder and a part of his testimony that I want to always remember.