Thursday, December 29, 2022

A very merry flooded Christmas

 This Christmas was very different four our family.  The week started wonderfully and ended good but not as jolly as it could have been.  On Thursday 12/22, Jake created reindeer games for the family where we competed for various prizes from snacks to gift cards to a $100 bill.  We spent about 2-3 hours laughung at each other, competing, and looking like crazies. One of the highlights was when Aubree spewed all over Ginny and when we were asked to see who could stand outside the longest with a wind chill of -14.  


My brother Michael and part of his family came in for a few days and we met them for lunch on Friday (12/23). Temperatures had been in the single digits with wind chills in the negative numbers. We came back from lunch and the downstairs of our home was flooded with about a half inch of standing water.  Immediately we worked as a family to get as much of it as we could up. After about ten solid hours of work, we had family prayer -expressing how grateful we were that it was not worse, and decided to head to bed for the night. As Christopher and Aubree were in the hall placing a put to catch dripping water, the ceiling collapsed on them. Fortunately no one was hurt but it added another couple hours of cleaning. We did open gifts that evening as many were wet and we needed to see if ruined and get out of wet boxes. 




Christmas Eve, we spent more time cleaning during the day and went to Rebekah and Adams to shower that evening and for dinner.  We visited a bit then headed home to proceed with some of our traditions. That night to read "The Other Wiseman: and sing carols together. We were a little disappointed that there would be no obstacle course this year but I did awake early and placed clues around the house for the boys to find their stockings.

Jake shared in his 5 minute message on Sunday (Christmas Day) that we have truly learned the past couple of days that happiness is not determined by our circumstances. Our home was chaotic but music filled the air and we spoke of the Savior.   

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Happy Birthday to our handsome Will

Our handsome young man is 15 today. There are days that are really hard with Will but those are surpassed by the good ones. Will has the kindest heart of anyone I know. He is witty and funny. He keeps us laughing.  Recently, he got braces on his top teeth, he was so excited and now after two weeks that is wearing down.  He is as handsome as ever.  We have not been able to celebrate as I would have ideally hoped but he has been a trooper.  On 12/23, we had our shark bite joint disconnect, due to subzero temperatures and a frozen pipe. It was not fun to come home to a flooded home (I will share pictures later) and today we were placed in an extended stay for the next 30 days and he has been pleasant while we have packed and cleaned.  We also took him to get his driver's permit today and to Olive Garden for dinner.  He chose Baskin Robbins instead of an ice cream shake. It has been a good day with your growing young man. 

Facts about Will by Will:

You currently want to be when you grow up: Marine biologist

Your favorite color is: orange

Your favorite show is: The Mandolorian

Your favorite game is: Deception and Secret Hitler

Your favorite toy or activity is: Football

Your favorite girl is:  Mom

You are really good at:  throwing accurately, gaming, and driving

Your best friend is: James Jones III (JJ) and Walker Orris

You want to vacation to: France

Your favorite ice cream is: Cotton candy

Your wish is to be: a shark

Your hero is: Mom

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is:  young men activities

Your favorite holiday is: Christmas

Your favorite person in the whole world is: Chris

Your favorite song(s) is:  Ghost

Your favorite restaurant is: Olive Garden

Your favorite foods are: pasta, ice cream, and pizza

If you had $1000 you would buy: probably parts a car in case I wreck it

Monday, December 19, 2022

November....and 1/2 of December

Oh my stars, I have a lot of catching up to do. How is that all of November passed and I did not mange to post nor did I manage to capture Halloween.  Actually Halloween was not very eventful, Jake had the flu, Will went trick or treating with his friend, Walker Orris, and Christoper went with his friend Jonah Donald. Christopher did finally get to dress up like a black widow...he spend hours making his costume and was beyond excited. Jake flew to Abilene in November for a weekend with his brothers and had a nice time. 

Thanksgiving was my first big holiday without all my kids. We spent it in Knoxville with my side of the family at Charity's house.  It was actually overall delightful. Wednesday we took the kids to Dollywood and spent the day. I was very fortunate that my brothers took Aubree in for Thanksgiving, although I did miss her fiercely.


 I try to have the family each send Sunday selfies but it is not always welcomed nor reciprocated but the boys and I take one each week to send.  Rebekah and Adam also blessed baby Paul at the beginning of December before his parents left. Jake and I also managed to sneak away for a show at the Orpheum one evening.

However, today my heart is full, all four of my babies are under the same roof tonight. Aubree flew in this afternoon and almost immediately when we got home, piano music and song filled our home again. My girls laughed together and the boys played well together. I think I can safely say this is one of my best birthdays, all because my little family is together...I could not ask for anything more.  My parents drove up to bring a cow to be slaughtered and spent the day with us.

 We opened matching pajamas tonight and everyone even obliged taking a picture with me.....