This past week (11/21-11/25), we had the opportunity to go with Jake's parents and all his siblings/spouses, except Megan, on a 4-night cruise. The first couple of days I was a little dizzy most of the day but had an enjoyable time overall. There were a few moments that I were not happy for me, one of which was on the top deck the last night and my mind turned to Robert (Charity's ex-husband) and the emotions he must have felt one evening on their cruise when the unthinkable happened. It took effort to withhold tears. There were 2-3 other small instances but those are probably most connected to my insecurities around Jake's family, which is crazy because we have been married over 20 years. He wishes as I did not get stressed, as do I. There is one of the sister in laws that I feel we get along well with when it is just us but when other members of the family are around, my perception is she often tries to correct me or talk down to me. I try to remain silent and take it to not cause a scene or cause more negative feelings about me. There have not been many times when I do not feel part of the group by the brothers but I did once this time, however, I really feel it was unintentional and me most likely reading into things. The last incident happened near the end of the trip which was also silly but my feelings get hurt when to little time or effort is made to spend time with us when we make a great deal of effort when we visit. We took the late flight out to spend the day off the boat with everyone but everyone seemed to split up, which is fine, and to be less inconvenience with an airport trip, but in hindsight if I would have known, I would have booked an earlier flight.
On a different note, one morning I was reading my scriptures in Ether where Orihah becomes king after his cousins and brothers had declined. The thought occurred to me that maybe he stepped up because id he did not want whom the alternatives might have been. He may not have wanted to be king but if he did not accept and step up, then it could have been an unbeliever.
On a different note, Ginny rocked taking care of the boys. My heart was happy to receive pictures from them when my phone received text messages off the boat. My kids and Jake are my everything. At one point when I was feeling glum yesterday, I contemplated if Jake would be happier and enjoy his family more with me not around (I think there would be more inclusiveness and he may even live closer to them) and that me be the case but my kids, my kids would not be in a better state. Truth be told, I do not want to imagine my life without Jake or my kids in it...even at times, it may be selfish. They make me better and motivate me to try to be my best self.