Friday, February 5, 2010

Gratitude with stress too

Aubree got this neat little game for Christmas and the girls love to play it. You have to guess what you are by asking yes and no questions to others. They are actually pretty good at it. We play it almost weekly. We lost power last week, during a little storm and found entertainment, sitting by the fireplace playing this. As for Will, he has learned to strip down all of his clothes.
He loves to be naked. It is too darn cute but we have to watch him closely too or he may just strip in public too. Currently, his favorite movie is Madagascar 2. He loves is the only things he will actually sit down and watch.
As for life, in general, I still gratitude that my family is safe from the accident but they have totaled the car and car shopping stresses me out A LOT. There are days, we think we have found something and something comes up (it is sold by the time we get there or the ad is misleading). I know it is stressful on the family. Jake and I are ready to find a vehicle and I am sure the kids are tired of us consumed with looking. We are trying to be wise in our decision but a part of me just says, the heck with it. Jake has had a headache almost daily as well and is sore in his lower back. Ginny, too has had several headaches. We finally took both the girls to the chiropractor and both are very tight and inflamed. Aubree has yet to complain about anything, yet her x-rays were a little worse. I am very glad my little family is okay but this little accident through a wrench in our lives but thank goodness it does not effect our happiness and it only temporary.


Sandra and Brent said...

I'm glad everyone was okay too! That looks like a cute game. Will is so silly. Penelope use to try that so Nina started putting duct tape around the top of the diaper. I think that's a good idea!

Kara said...

Might as well be naked when you are a kid, cuz you cant get away with it when you are an adult! That game looks cute:)

Amy Eaton said...

The kids are getting so big.....Hope you find a car soon that has to be a big pain. Miss you all!!!

Jonathan Brandis, actor said...
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