Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Yesterday, was a day set aside in our nation to celebrate mothers. I am blessed with not only a remarkable mother but many great women in my life that have influence in me. I am also thankful to my mother in law to raising the man I married and preparing him for me. My mom is a women that has taught me the importance of reaching out to others, maintaining a clean home, and being willing to serve when needed, without hesitation, or being asked. She is a woman who values motherhood and is teaching me how to be a GREAT grandmother when the time comes. She is a comforter, therapist, friend, example, and teacher to me. I am blessed to have the mother I have. Also, there are many other women in my life at different circumstances in their lives that touch my life. These women are of different ages, marital statuses, health conditions, trials, some are mothers, some are not but they each touch me in a profound way and teach me a little more about life and handling those curve balls or home runs. So, on Mothers Day, I choose not only celebrate my mother but all women or daughters whom touch my life. Some nights when I come home from work, I have small moments that make me love my family a little more and here is on. I came home to discover all the babies snuggled up in bed with my hubby. So, I changed, moved Christopher (did not want him getting rolled on), and went to sleep in one of the kids beds. Within minutes, Jake had joined made me smile!

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