Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wise Men still seek him

Christmas, oh Christmas, is my absolute favorite time of the year with the fourth a July a close second. This year, we traveled to Odessa Texas to spend Christmas with Jake's side of the family. We have not been with his side of the family for five years for Christmas due to my work schedule or being pregnant with Jacob William. We left in the early a.m. hours of Christmas Eve when I got off work and arrived Christmas Eve evening. We allowed our kids to open gifts from us early and they were each happy. As a family we received a few movies, a game, and gift cards from my siblings. Our family received an abundance of gifts this year.
Ginny's top gift was Twilight barbies that her Nana got her...she had thought they were boots and was super excited when she discovered it was Bella and Edward. Ginny also had her DSi repaired, 2 DS games, mini pillow pet, an outfit, new purse, and perfume. Santa left her boots, gold chain, and other miscellaneous stocking stuffers (toothbrush, DS game...).
Aubree received fun things from us as well. She is currently into Monster High dolls. She received a monster high doll and monster karaoke from Nana. We also had Monster High dolls, for her, new purse, 4 DS games, an ice cream maker winter crocs, and a few other items. Santa left her the Barbie she wanted and several stocking stuffers.Jacob William received a DS with 3 games, Sunday shoes, winter crocs, Cars 2 movie, Cars 2 cars, mini Pillow pet, and a few other items. Santa left him transformers. He also received a transformer car and mask from Nana. He loves the mask.Christoper was not left out. He received new pajamas, new winter crocs, and lots of legos. Nana bought him a play cell phone and his own pillow pet. Santa left Christopher building blocks.Oddly, it was a white Christmas, very strange for West Texas. Christmas Eve the kids bid Zang, our elf good bye. Santa picks him up at Christmas Eve night. Zang is now a fun family tradition that we hope to keep established. Christmas morning, the kids awoke to see that Santa had arrived and left goodies. They also received gifts from Grammy and Papa. Ginny received a Kindle Fire, Aubree a Razor motor scooter, Jacob William received a car track, and Christopher a train table. I love that Christmas was on a Sunday and we were able to attend church on Christmas day to worship our Savior. The only meeting was sacrament and it was perfect because you still had the rest of the day being with family. I called my family Christmas day and was a little sad that I was not with them. In my perfect world, we would wake up with our kids Christmas morning, open gifts, and spend the rest of the day visiting both sides of the family but with one in Tennessee and one in Texas, that is not the case. But in the end as long as we are with family, life is wonderful and thank you for modern technology that allows us to communicate with each other so easily. I am hoping that this Christmas spirit remains with me throughout the year. May my eyes be more open to the needs of others and my heart full of compassion for my fellow men and may I remember that Wise men still seek him!

1 comment:

Sandra and Brent said...

Great family picture. Y'all are a great looking family.