Monday, December 17, 2012

With a heavy heart

The past three days my heart has felt weighed down and heavy. Friday morning, I was preparing to run a few errands when a CNN report popped up on my phone about a Connecticut town that just experienced the unthinkable. An elementary school was attacked by a gunman and 26 people are now deceased. Among the 26, are 20 children and other school faculty members who died trying to protect their kids. Immediately, I wanted to be with my babies, so I carried lunch to the school and later returned for Ginny's 5th note (choir) performance. She did very well and her solo was perfect. I wanted so badly to take my girls out early Friday and not send them today (Monday) but I know that is not the solution. One can not comprehend what may have possessed that man that day to kill his mother and then raid and elementary school or even begin to understand why but one thing that I know is that God lives and those sweet, innocent babies are being encircled in the arms of the Savior. I can not even begin to imagine nor do I want to. This past weekend, my heart has turned to the parents, teachers, and staff. Adults died trying to save their kids. Being married to a teacher, I know that Jake would have done all within his power too. Weekly, I volunteer at the girls school and I can only imagine that as a parent I would have done all that I could have to gotten all the children to safety, not just my own. Each time that I turn on the news, mt heart breaks and tears flow down face. It is easy for people to point fingers and say more security in schools, more gun control, etc. but the reality is that neither of those things are the solution, if a crazy wants, he will get in and if he wants a gun, he will get a gun. What needs to happen is we need to rally around those families, extend love and heartfelt prayers, listen to the heroic stories, and treat our teachers a little better. Teachers are with our babies eight hours a day, five days a week, and we know now from experience that a teacher will truly take a bullet to save our children.

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