Sunday, February 24, 2013

I am a little spoiled but in a good way! Recently, Jake has had the desire to attempt to make new recipes, this began as part of my Valentines extravaganza and it has been yummy and helped to make it more difficult to shed a few pounds. He is truly good to me. However, our little valentines extravaganza was cut shorter than planned because Jake threw his back out playing basketball. Gratefully, Rob (Charity's husband) was there and was able to drive Jake home and give him a blessing. I was not aware of this until I had text when I got off work. When I saw I had a text, I was anticipating a sweet little message about loving my instead it read something like this: I threw my back out at basketball tonight and am not going to work in the morning. Do not cuddle with me, it will hurt too bad.  The next day, I took him to the doctor but Jake from previous experiences knew that it was important for him to keep walking around. Ten days later, it is much better and not near as tender but not 100% quite yet.
The girls have still been selling their suckers to earn money. We are trying to teach them a few small business factors but we also realize that it is important for the girls to see some of their money as well. We bought the supplies to get them started and they are responsible for additional supplies. So to help make it easier for them, we have broken things down in this matter: 40% back into company, 10% tithing (they split equally) and then with the other 50%, each gets half. Of the 25% they individually get, they keep 50% of that and save the other 50%. Maybe this will help them in the future.

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