Sunday, August 10, 2014

Ginny's 1st talk in sacrament

Ginny gave her first talk in sacrament on July 27, 2014 and did a great job. She invited Papaw up and he drove up from Jackson; in addition, Becky, Charity, and Michael all came to listen. She is a loved little girl and quite the talented speaker. She is a natural born speaker. Ginny’s First Talk Education 7-27-14 Hi my name is Ginny Farrell and for my first talk I have been asked to speak on education. That’s a pretty broad topic. So I looked on for talks on education and I found this pretty amazing quote by Elder Craig A. Cardon of the seventy. He states. “In this increasingly complex world, education is one of the most important acquisitions of life,” he writes. “And while it is true that more education will generally lead to the opportunity for increased temporal rewards, the greater value of increased knowledge is the opportunity it affords us to be of greater influence in accomplishing the Lord’s purposes.” That’s huge. It is saying the more knowledge you gain the more influence you have accomplishing the Lord’s purposes. That’s reason enough to try to gain an increased understanding of the world around us, and the gospel. In my True To the Faith book it says the Lord has commanded us, “Seek learning, even by study and also by faith. That’s in D&C section 88:118. So the Lord has commanded us to get smarter and has provided us plenty of ways. Some of the things we have for history is: school, textbooks, teachers, and my personal favorites Google and TV. But that’s not the only he wanted us to learn about. In For the Strength of Youth it says, Education should include spiritual learning. You should continue throughout your life to learn about heavenly Father’s plan. This will help you find answers to your challenges and invite the Holy Ghost. Just so it is clear the more education you have the more answers you will find and the Holy Ghost is invited. That’s awesome and it is so easy. Just look at how many resources he has provided. For example: the scriptures, Church, General Conference, prayer, missionaries, and Stake Conference. So that’s a lot of resources just saying. So my book said you should also teach your hands to do things. It said you should do this so you can succeed in your chosen field. There are a lot of things you can teach your hands to do. You can teach them to crochet, hammer in a nail, change a tire, and to write. Most of these take time, but when you learn them. You can apply for more jobs and spend less money if you can do it yourself. There are so many blessings you receive just by learning. So I bear my testimony that I know that if we just educate ourselves so many blessing will come, and I know this church is true. I also know that we have a prophet today, and that we can always count on the Lord. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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