Sunday, June 28, 2015

Virtuous women

There is never any doubt in my mind that my husband loves me. He makes me happy and often I feel better than I am around him, even like a princess. However, there are moments or rare actions that make me feel, although he loves me, that he may not always want me. I am confident there is no other person that he'd prefer to spend time with but I want him to "desire" me all the time. The world can have a way of making us feel less or not as pretty if we do not meet what society deems as beautiful. There are days when I feel not cute because I do not fit the mold. However, I am trying to fit the mold that my Heavenly Father finds beautiful. I strive to be virtuous, patient, and find the good in situations. I want to make lives better by being in them. I want to have a gentle heart and show my children through example that even women whom the world may glance at and call average to the Lord, those very women may be the most beautiful at that time. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Fathers Day 2015

21 years ago, Father's Day fell on Sunday, June 19.  It is a day that forever will be engraved in my mind because it is the day my Mamaw (grandmother) passed away. I think about every Father's Day Sunday and still remember the songs sang that day at church. This Sunday was no different as I sat in sacrament but as I glanced at Jake and my boys, I felt a sense of peace and gratitude. After church, we went to my parents for dinner and to see Papaw. It was a nice visit. I miss my girls more and more each day now. They went back to Michigan last week with Michael's family. I'm certain they are having a great time but I plan to get back this week. 

Friday, June 19, 2015

Dear Ginny....

Dear Ginny, I wanted to write this letter for you on your birthday. You have grown up so fast. I guess being the oldest kinda does that. I remember wanting to see you when you got to the next milestone; to see you walk, to hear you talk, to hold your hand going to school. Now you are 13. The next steps are your first dance, first date, drivers license, and graduation. We only have five years left. When I use to wish for the days to pass quickly till the next break, now I pray for them to slow down. But time keeps marching on. So here are my hopes for the next five see you smile every day, see you find God and become His friend, to cherish the everyday moments as a family, to hear you giggle with your sister and friends, and for you to know that I love you forever. I hope I can make these the best five years of your life yet. I love you. Love, Dad This was a note left to Ginny after the night Ginny was a girls camp. Jake is such a great dad and talented writer. I am lucky he is mine and that Ginny is ours. We have been blessed with great children. He is right, I, too, want time to slow down and to cherish these moments with our littles.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Back together after camps

I am happy to say that my little family is back in tact after camps (girls camp for Jake and Ginny and scout camp for Jake) this week. Yesterday, we had a party for the boys. We celebrated Chris's 5th birthday and Will's 1/2 birthday (first time ever I've done that). I didn't want anyone to bring two gifts so families received an invite for one or the other. We reserved the pool and invited families to stay to swim too. The boys chose a pirate theme with grilled hot dogs. I believe it was a fun night for all. Jake had been writing the middle school science curriculum for Bartlett City Schools, so tonight the kids and I made paper airplanes and played games. It was nice to be able to lay on the floor and enjoy them. 

Busy week

It's a busy week for our family. Ginny is at girls and Jake is priesthood there for a couple days and then he heads to scout camp. Meanwhile, Will got his first hit this season in baseball. He was so proud and I was so proud for him. Amy is down with the kids to visit for 10 days and the kids are so excited to see cousins. We are enjoying the pool. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Happy 5th birthday Christopher!

Today our youngest turns 5 years old. It's hard to believe that our baby is 5.  Christopher is such a little character. This morning, we picked up kolaches and donut holes for him, before we went swimming for about an hour. He chose Chick Fil A for lunch and played with his cousins visiting most of the day. Some of his favorite things are:
Characters:  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain America, and The Hulk, 
Food: pizza, Super Golden Crisp cereal, Lenny's philly sandwiches, cheeze its. 
Activities: playing with his train table, riding his stuffed tiger, playing ball outside with his dad, swimming, and doing whatever his big brother does. 
He is the cutest thing ever! His personality over compensates for his lack of speech and he makes everyone smile. One of my favorite things that he does right now is pick a flower (usually a weed), comes and bows on one knee with his head down, and holds the flower above his head with one hand to give to me. When I take it, he kisses my hand. He is totally beyond sweet! 
Tim left to right: Chloe, Claire, Riley, Christopher, and Elijah. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

To the my whom holds my heart...

As I sit here watching my sweetheart nap, I feel a little envious and can think of one hundred things I need to do or could do but yet I just want to watch him. Yet there are days and times, I just really want to be hour, a day, sometimes I wish for more like a month... But then I think about what life would be like with no one. No one to share the load of dishes, laundry, cleaning and taking care of the kids. (maybe I could adjust to that, laundry and dishes seem never ending) No one to pick up the slack when you just can't. No one to run to the store for ice cream or chips and salsa when you are gloomy. No shoulder to cry into at the end of a long day. No arms to surround you when you feel you just want to collapse. No one to warm the sheets on your side of the bed in the dead of winter. No one to share laughs, celebrations, and good news with. No one to share hopes and dreams with. No one to put before yourself. There is no doubt in my mind that a loving God orchestrated His plan around couples, a man and a woman, who love and respect one another. Thinking of life without Jake makes me sad. Because while life would still be good and worth living, I don't think it would ever feel complete. I'm eternally grateful for a husband who is good and kind, who works hard and cares for his family. He does small and simple things to melt me (like clean the garage, have me a little lunch prepared when I get home, makes the bed, kisses my forehead, etc.) He dries my tears about little stresses of life before falling asleep at night or lets me chat away as he struggles to keep his eyes open. He'll always have my back and he'll never stop believing in me. Dearest Jake, I love you. Thanks for the best fourteen years of my life. I'm looking forward to many, many more. As a side, after fourteen years I think we've finally figured out the whole anniversary thing. Think low expectations. No cards, gifts or grandiose celebrations.We were trying to find the time to just enjoy dinner together and I had sarcastically commented something to the effect..."Our kids keep us so busy, no time for life" and Jake reminded me that right now, these kids are our life. Forevermore, I will be a mother and wife. There will come a time when I will look back and miss the business of life that sometimes makes one on one time not feasible. It's not our wedding day. It's an extra special day, once a year, to remember a sacred event that happened once upon a time.

I love these people

These were taken last year about this time...

Aubree's ELT speech

Aubree was chosen at the end of the year to be one of the speakers for the ELT program. She did a fabulous job. She has a lot of charisma and is at lovely as they come. "Hello, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Aubree Farrell and I am a preschool E.L.T. The letters in E.L.T stand for: Educational Leader of Tomorrow. An E.L.T’s job is to help their assigned teacher in anyway they need it, and I’m sure they appreciate it. Being an E.L.T means a lot more than unstacking and stacking chairs, trust me. Being an E.L.T means being responsible, honest, patient, and trustworthy. Sometimes being an E.L.T is difficult, but once you see one smile on a single kid you know it’s all worth it. One of my favorite things about being an E.L.T is watching the students learn and grow. Some of the kids communicate more easily than others, but once they warm up to you it’s amazing how much they change. One day I was helping some of the preschoolers when one came up to me and said, ”Hey, I need to tell you something.” I simply responded, “What is it that you need to tell me?” He said, “My dad is picking me up today!” I loved the way he said it, along with his dazzling eyes, sparkling grin, and enthusiastic attitude. It was so excellent to know that the preschooler had warmed up to me. In conclusion, I’ve spent some of the best days of my life as an Altruria preschool E.L.T. I will never forget my incredible preschool E.L.T experience." 

Ginny went in her first out of town school trip and mom was worried like crazy but she is a bright lady and makes good choices. They went to St a Louis for three days. Honestly if I woykdvd read the laker closely and realized it was over night, I probably wouldn't have signed off on it.  Ginny was also recognized this year in band for her improvement. This is her first year in band, playing the flute. 
As for the boys, they are getting into sports and it's super cute. Neither of them are very good but it's fun to watch. Christopher chose soccer and Jake chose baseball. He has wanted to play baseball since he subbed one day last year.