Thursday, June 11, 2015

Happy 5th birthday Christopher!

Today our youngest turns 5 years old. It's hard to believe that our baby is 5.  Christopher is such a little character. This morning, we picked up kolaches and donut holes for him, before we went swimming for about an hour. He chose Chick Fil A for lunch and played with his cousins visiting most of the day. Some of his favorite things are:
Characters:  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain America, and The Hulk, 
Food: pizza, Super Golden Crisp cereal, Lenny's philly sandwiches, cheeze its. 
Activities: playing with his train table, riding his stuffed tiger, playing ball outside with his dad, swimming, and doing whatever his big brother does. 
He is the cutest thing ever! His personality over compensates for his lack of speech and he makes everyone smile. One of my favorite things that he does right now is pick a flower (usually a weed), comes and bows on one knee with his head down, and holds the flower above his head with one hand to give to me. When I take it, he kisses my hand. He is totally beyond sweet! 
Tim left to right: Chloe, Claire, Riley, Christopher, and Elijah. 

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