Sunday, June 11, 2017

Happy Birthday Christopher!

Christopher oh Christopher, Happy Birthday to our sweet, sweet boy. Yesterday as I arrived home from camp the minute Christopher noticed I was home came and embraced me for over a minute. He was very excited to see me and I was glad to see my boys too.  Christopher has a reputation at school among the teachers as such a gentleman.  He consistently holds the door open for ladies and pulls out their chairs when he can. He is definitely his own little guy; I have been trying to conveince him for years now to learn to ride a bike, but he has absolutely no desire and refuses too. He is a little comedian for the camera and is just plain silly. Christoper is a joy to our family. We could not be more proud to have him in our family and call him our son.  Continue to make wise choices and gain a testimony of the truths found in the gospel. Know that you are a son of God and have a heavenly family that loves you. Know that mom and dad want the best for you, although at times we will upset you, we always have your best interest at heart.  We love you Chris Chris!
According to you:
You currently want to be a dad when you grow up.
Your favorite colors are all of them.
 Your favorite show is Paw Patrol.
Your favorite game is Star Wars.
Your favorite toy is video games and hatchimal.
Your favorite girl is mom. (I hope it stays this way until you marry)
You are really good at running.
Your best friend is Riley.
You want to vacation to a Disney Cruise.
Your favorite ice cream is Superman (Galactic swirl).
Your wish is to be Luke Skywalker.
Your hero is my family.
Your favorite thing to do with your friends is to play and play video games with them.
Your favorite holiday is summer.
Your favorite person in the whole world is everyone that I know.
Your favorite TV show is Star Wars.
Your favorite song is "Who let the Dogs out".
Your favorite restaurant is Chick-Fil-A and Mexican.
Your favorite foods are:  Ravioli, Croutons, Catfish (dads), tuna fish, rice with chicken and cheese.
 If you had $1000 you would buy everything (video games, pepperoni pizza, and bar-be-que.

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