Sunday, December 30, 2018

Holiday Shenanigans

Christmas Eve was a little rough for a few hours this year as Jake found out about another fender bender Ginny had over this summer pulling into Charity's car.  After months of having a white scratches on the bumper and the blinker light slightly out of place, he noticed and asked about it. With a large gulp and tears welling in her eyes, Ginny was honest and told her dad, as hard as it was.  His reaction was not as well as it could have been.  He was very angry that he had not been told, which is to be expected but the situation could have been handled better. He ended up grounding her until she drives 100 hours with him and will not allow her to drive to school nor seminary.  We have to arrange rides to school for seminary now, home from school, and Aubree a ride home from the Academy. About 6:00, the kids and I planned to deliver cookies and look at lights (we had wanted to go about 4:00 ot deliver cookies but the situation did not allow).  Jake decided lat minute to come but did not speak.  When we arrived home, I told him he was being ridiculous again and it was Christmas Eve.  About 9:00 pm, he joined us in the living room and we played Ticket to Ride.  About midnight, we put the kids to bed. Christopher was very anxious because he wanted to get to sleep so Santa could come.  The kids all sleep upstairs in the media room and we booby trap the house.  This year, we did an escape room and finally got to bed near 3:00 am.  About 7:30 am, Jake noticed the kids were not awake and called Ginny's phone to awaken them.  He was very excited for the kids to try to make it to our room with no noise so we can go open gifts. We all love it!

We spent time in Jackson on the 26th. My mom seemed to not be having a good few days and as I watched Jake interact with her, I fell more in love with him.  Christmas night, he just sat down and talked to her and the next morning, he asked her to cook him breakfast (she prides herself on being a good cook and really is).  That afternoon, he took her to lunch before we headed back home.  The 27th, I took down Christmas so we could celebrate Will on the 28th.  Jake is still fighting a sinus infection, so the kids and I did most of it.  Most years, people are. out of town on Will's birthday, so it is difficult to have him a party so we invited friends to go to a movie and then back to our place for a couple hours to play games.  Five friends were able to attend. Jake was not able to attend the movie due to a sinus headache but did muster the patience and strength to play games with them.  

As this year draws to a close, I am thankful for the hardships I have overcome. I do not like hard times in the moment but realize they make me better. The past few months have been great for our family as far as growing together.  Ginny has made more a conscious effort to be present and play games.  Jake and I do your best to do school work after the kids go to bed to maximize our time with them.  Hopefully with the new curriculum for church and the transition to two hour church, we can make sure to spend that hour together on Sundays building our relationship with one another and Heavenly Father.

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