Saturday, June 8, 2019

Tonsils out and Anastasia

Girls camp was this last week (Wednesday thru Friday). Jake was able to attend with the girls and I.  We loved having him here. As a leader my heart was touched and filled with joy watching new friendships form and service happen. I believe hearts were touched lives changed. 
Arriving home, however, that evening I began to feel that there was little purpose for my life. I found myself a little overwhelmed with laundry, finances, and the role in my family as a wife and mother. Later that evening, I ride over to visit with Charity and Becky a minute. Laughing with them brightened my mood but yet driving back home, feelings unwanted of being unappreciated and minimal love entered my mind. It is no secret I wonder how I scored Jake. He his my anchor and calming device. My children are incredible. Watching our girls this week , seeing their interactions, and hearing their testimonies inspires me. Aubree bears a strong witness of the gospel and both exemplify it. Those unwanted feelings diminished as I spoke with Jake. He keeps me going! 
Sitting in sacrament meeting I felt a tender mercy or tiny miracle from above when I opened to read and this was on my screen: “In Times of Discouragement, Remember the Widow of Nain- Especially when we feel forgotten or overlooked, we must remember: Jesus came to the widow's aid precisely in her time of need, and He will come to us as well.”
What a beautiful reminder that I am loved. The Lord knew I needed that and knows me. 
It seems as if our summer has begun but we have not experienced any down time yet and our days are still a whirlwind.  Wednesday, June 5th, Ginny had her tonsils and adenoids removed. She is still very sore but managed to drag herself to see the musical Anastasia.  Naturally, I was concerned about her comfort level but was not a battle I chose to have with the child and despite her pain, we had an enjoyable evening with the girls.  Jake and I are busy writing curriculum for the district but it will provide summer travel money.  We have made a more cautious effort to have family prayer twice a day this summer and we hope to establish this more routinely.  It is so hard during the school year with schedules and Ginny working because there are days she is gone before we get home and the boys in bed when she gets home, so often it is not our entire family together so we are striving to improve that.

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