Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Our boy....and a visit to the principal

Will, oh Will.  He was our first child to get written up and today was our first child to spend the afternoon in the principal's office.  He was accused of saying something that he did not say fully while defending another student.  With that said, he never denied calling the student picking on another a "b****" but as a result of inappropriate language has received a day of ISS (in school suspension).  The principal said that when Will was asked what happened at lunch, he straightforward said that he told another student "Stop, b****!".  I am proud that he was honest and while I am disappointed that he used that word, I am not disappointed that he stood up for another being bullied. This young man that was picking on another student seems to have the reputation for doing such and happens to be the one that made front of Will throughout the year, has tried to trip him, and threatened to beat him up.  One concern that I have is the boy can make false accusations against my son, that if true, would have resulted in suspension but yet received only the consequence of lunch detention for one day. I worry about how that just happened to be the word that came out naturally.  Will said he was so frustrated by him always picking on people that he lost his temper. He has a very genuine and tender heart.

He is my boy! (mom and Will)

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