We are in Jackson Hole Wyoming with dad's family so we celebrated here. We went to String Lake in the Grand Tetons to kayak and you very much enjoyed that. Christopher- you remind of our family of being kind. You have been so concerned with covid-19 and remember it each time you pray, reminding us that God hears our prayers. You are courageous and try your best to make good choices. Our life is better with you in it. We love you!
Facts about Christopher, by Christopher:
You currently want to be when you grow up: Archeologists or math teacher
Your favorite color is: all of them besides black
Your favorite show: Sonic the Hedgehog movie
Your favorite game is: Ticket to Ride
Your favorite toy or activity is: math
Your favorite girl is: Jewell Weeks and mom
You are really good at: doing math
Your best friend is: Jonah Donald
You want to vacation to: underwater volcano
Your favorite ice cream is: Superman (Galactic Swirl)
Your wish is to be: to be better
Your hero is: Jesus Christ and my family
Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: play with them
Your favorite holiday is: Christmas
Your favorite person in the whole world is: my family
Your favorite song(s)
is: Blank Space
Your favorite restaurant is: Freddy's Steak-burgers and custard
Your favorite foods are: Croutons, tuna, haystacks, and Rotel Chicken
If you had $1000 you
would buy: a house for the poor
Gardner |