Facts about Christopher, by Christopher:
You currently want to be when you grow up: Archeologists or math teacher
Your favorite color is: all of them besides black
Your favorite show: Sonic the Hedgehog movie
Your favorite game is: Ticket to Ride
Your favorite toy or activity is: math
Your favorite girl is: Jewell Weeks and mom
You are really good at: doing math
Your best friend is: Jonah Donald
You want to vacation to: underwater volcano
Your favorite ice cream is: Superman (Galactic Swirl)
Your wish is to be: to be better
Your hero is: Jesus Christ and my family
Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: play with them
Your favorite holiday is: Christmas
Your favorite person in the whole world is: my family
Your favorite song(s)
is: Blank Space
Your favorite restaurant is: Freddy's Steak-burgers and custard
Your favorite foods are: Croutons, tuna, haystacks, and Rotel Chicken
If you had $1000 you
would buy: a house for the poorGardner |
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