Sunday, August 29, 2021

All moved in....

 Although Ginny left almost a week before her move in date, we were able to leave Tuesday, August 17th after work to move Ginny in on Wednesday August 18th.  She only had a 3 hour window assigned and two of those hours she waited for room keys.  It was a long drive but worth every minute to just see her space and let my momma heart know she is was going to be okay.  Her roommate has not yet shown up but I am okay with that because I do no have to worry that she may be a negative influence on her. She seems to be enjoying it.  

Aubree has been working alot, like almost each school night. I worry about her not getting enough rest but she has a strong work ethic and seems to be good at time management.  She is glad to be back to school in person, as are the boys.  

Walking back from getting her ID...they will miss each other.

Waiting on Ginny to the keys to her room

Obligatory dorm picture

Charlie was a huge help moving Ginny in.

Jake and his buddy, Travis Donald.

My main squeeze...headed to dinner.

Just  typical evening in the Farrell home.

Our neice Izzy was baptized on August 21, Jake spoke on the Holy Ghost and did a great job as usual. Here is a copy of his notes:

Holy Ghost-best teacher
Teaches truth at the right time (my best friend died in a car accident, this was supposed to be my adult friend, we were going to learn to adult together, a few years later while sitting in church a voice came to me and said Travis is alive)
 Can use mistakes, bad choices, and tough times for our good… there are no tests

never have to be alone- Spirit stays with you when your friends go home and family sleeps (last night had bad feeling, asked Renee to cuddle me but she just snored in my ear, so I sang I am a Child of God and felt the Spirit)
The Holy Ghost loves you for who you are
 I am a school teacher, no one of real consequence, introverted… it would be easy to doubt me, but the Holy Ghost has never said that I am not enough.  

The HG is involved in the details of your life (cutting my hair today, Renee was not there to warn me, and I do like the few strands I have left, a small voice came to my mind that said cut carefully or you will end up with a shaved head, 10 minutes later this is the result).

How do we receive the Holy Ghost
Be a deliberate disciple
pray and share stories with God
Read to learn
Love to serve and serve to love

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