Saturday, September 4, 2021

Happy 17th baby girl!

Labor Day weekend- One of my favorites, I know it’s a strange one to love but 17 years ago today (on a Labor Day weekend Saturday), our Aubree entered our family. Aubree is blessed with the gift of believing. She is stalwart in her faith. She looks out for others and seeks out the unnoticed. She loves to leave unexpected happies for others and Aubree is a good friend. She loves acting, singing, squirrels, and Gus’s fried chicken. Happy Birthday Aubree—-you are an example and blessing to those around you. We love you. 

Facts about Aubree by Aubree:

You currently want to be when you grow up: Pediatric Nurse/ Actress (not stable)

Your favorite color is: Forest Green

Your favorite show is: Parks & Recreation 

Your favorite game is: Skull King & Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza

Your favorite toy or activity is: Work(?) & Theatre

Your favorite boy is: Jesus

You are really good at: ... Piano, maybe, I don't know

Your best friend is: Jesus

You want to vacation to: Ireland/ Greenland

Your favorite ice cream is: Birthday Cake

Your wish is to be: A mother and wife that helps to take my family (and others) to the Celestial Kingdom

Your hero is: Jesus & Mom

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: Laugh/ Drive with the music up

Your favorite holiday is: Halloween/ Christmas

Your favorite person in the whole world is: Jesus

Your favorite song(s) is: "Nothing More" by Alternate Routes & "I'll Follow You Into the Dark"

Your favorite restaurant is: Gus's World Famous Fried Chicken

Your favorite foods are: Pork burritos, Gus's

If you had $1000 you would buy: I would, after tithing, put it into savings for my mission/ college. That's enough for two whole college books right there.

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