Sunday, June 11, 2023

Happy 13th Christopher

The baby of the family is now a teenager. Christopher is resilient, courageous, and kind. He is learning to magnify his priesthood responsibilities.  He is a momma's boy and maybe an Aubree's boy too.  We are so glad that Heavenly Father saw fit to bless our family with him.

Facts about Christopher by Christopher:

You currently want to be when you grow up: archaeologist

Your favorite color is: blue

Your favorite show is: the flash

Your favorite game is: pvz

Your favorite toy or activity is: kickball

Your favorite girl is: mom

You are really good at: math

Your best friend is: Jonah Donald

You want to vacation to: Hawaii

Your favorite ice cream is: birthday cake

Your wish is to be: best person I can be

Your hero is: Christ

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is:  play

Your favorite holiday is:  Christmas

Your favorite person in the whole world is: Aubree

Your favorite song(s) is:  Hometown, Ghost, and Counting Stars

Your favorite restaurant is: Lenny's Sub shop (the philly salad)

Your favorite foods are: haystacks, pull pork burritos

If you had $1000 you would buy: a trip to Logan Utah and the rest will go in savings


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