Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Happy 14th Christopher


Happy birthday to our baby boy, who isn’t so much a baby anymore. He makes our days better, is needed in our family, and continues to strive to be a disciple. We love you and hope your day was the very best- or as good as it could be at camp.

Facts about Christopher by Christopher:

I love spiders and family.

My favorite thing to do is play games (board and video).

I love learning new things about a variety of things but probably baking/cooking.

You currently want to be when you grow up: dream job is an arachnologist but I will probably be guidance teacher.

Your favorite color is: teal and grey

Your favorite show is: I do not really know

Your favorite game is: Fortnite

My favorite activity is: swimming or playing games like poker

Your favorite girl is: mom

You are really good at: making noise

Your best friend is: Jonah Donald and Brandon Sniady

You want to vacation to: Alaska or where the Northern Lights are

Your favorite ice cream is: birthday cake

Your wish is  to get more wishes.

Your hero is: my brother

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: play games

Your favorite holiday is: Christmas because of the fun activities we do as a family and the traditions. 

Your favorite person in the whole world is: the question so difficult but mom or Will.  Dad, I love him but he may not be my favorite, favorite. 

Your favorite song(s) is: I do not think I have any favorite songs

Your favorite restaurant is: Five Guys or Freddy's

Your favorite foods are:homemade pulled pork burritos

If you had $1000 you would buy:I would probable invest it to get more money if the stock market is up. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

God hears my silent prayers

 This past week was full of adventures. Ginny started her first job as a hygienist and Will was hired for his first job. We worked Italian Fest with our freeze-dried candy Thursday- Saturday and Jake went to bishop's night at girl's camp Friday night. He was telling me Saturday that he played "Guess Who" with the girls and gave them each flashlights.  He conveyed to them after the game that they never need to guess who they are because they know.  They are daughters of God and can be a light to others.  While I was not the intent of his message, I am glad he shared it with me because at times I get discouraged and do not remember my worth and I too needed to hear it.  I have decided that the Lord is reminding me I am his between being the "one" on the bus and Jake's message.  I felt prompted to share my testimony on it Sunday but almost did not, why, because I looked down and realized I and neglected to put my bra on for church. How embarrassing but I will blame it on such late nights at the Italian Fest, as it went until after 11:00pm each night.  I was not as focused nor polished when I shared and neglected to mention Christ goes after the one and at times, we are the one, maybe there was someone who needed to hear what I shared or maybe I needed to share it for me.