Thursday, August 31, 2017

There are many times in my life, when I feel that I need to look up directions or instructions on how to do something.  The other night as I was contemplating how to best serve Will, I realized that I needed to turn to the source for instructions, the One who knows me better than anyone else, my Maker, and above all, a Father.  Heavenly Father is a father above all else and loves us infinitely and knows my child better than I know my child. It can be so frustrating for me because I love my kids so much and Will, really, really, really is a good kid but sometimes I feel that I struggle to understand him. For example, when I go to wake him and find a game stuffed in the pillowcase or find the computer (that I used at 10:00 p.m before I went to bed) in the pillow case...all for him to tell me that he got bored. Yet, he does the sweetest thing too, like writing stories or giving something of his up for a cousin.  I am trying to make a special effort to just spend time with him, well actually, I am making more an effort to spend time with each of my babies.  I want to develop a close relationship with them that last forever.  I truly believe that family is everything.  Speaking of family, Michael was here on business earlier this week so we got to unexpectedly have dinner with him.  How I loved when we all lived close enough to get together.

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