Sunday, March 24, 2019

Happy 17th Ginny!

 It is that time of year again...the time of year that I am reminded of becoming a mother and how I learn about being a mom from you. Being the oldest, I understand being the oldest and the challenges that accompany it, including trying to teach your parents how to be parents.  I love that you are patient as we are learning.  I love that you are willing to do kind things for others and randomly talk to strangers at stake activities.  I am glad you came first. I love you GinBug!

According to Ginny today:
You currently want to be when you grow up: dental hygienist
Your favorite color is: grey or pink
Your favorite show is: THE OFFICE
Your favorite game is: foosball or not ticket to ride ;)
Your favorite toy or activity is: wiffle ball 
Your favorite boy is: NOAH ORRIS and Paul Harmeir  I guess 
You are really good at: sleeping 
Your best friend is: Stella Seaman 
You want to vacation to: Greece
Your favorite ice cream is: cookies n cream with condensed milk on top and gummy bears
Your wish is to be: I do no know... happy or like retired
Your hero is: probably my mom 
Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: sit and watch movies 
Your favorite holiday is: Halloween
Your favorite person in the whole world is: I like lots of people. I don't necessarily have a favorite
Your favorite song is: Dancing Queen
Your favorite restaurant is: Genghis Grill
Your favorite foods are: candy and cereal
If you had $1000 you would buy: I would give it to my parents cause of the car then with the left over 100 I would go to chic-fil-a

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