Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Spring Break-Part One (or the girl's perspective)

It is Spring Break week here in Tennessee and I like it.  Jake and the boys are on a backpacking trip with TW (Jake’s oldest brother), his sons, and a few scouts from TW’s ward.  The initial plan was to backpack in Guadalupe Peak, but the weather called for snow and below freezing temperatures, which lead to a change of plans to Big Bend Park.  The girls and I are chilling at the house.  We considered going to Orlando with Charity, Rebekah, and my mom but it would not really prove to be a break with the littles there and we did not want to spend the money on theme parks (we still have to get my car repaired from Ginny’s accidents).  We spent Saturday birthday shopping for Ginny and ate dinner together.  Sunday, after church we just relaxed and watched a show.  Although we have not done anything spectacular, I am enjoying time with them and the house remaining somewhat clean. It feels good to be able to walk in and the house be in order or to be able to use the downstairs restroom without cleaning it first. Somehow, I managed to remind myself that next year, I will have a child that is considered an “adult”, say what?!?!  Have a taught her the things she needs to know to stay strong in her testimony when hard times come? Am I teaching all of my children to stay in contact with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ through the good times and the bad times? Am I teaching them to look for opportunities to help others but not to neglect themselves?  Are they learning to appreciate the process and not necessarily the end result? My mind becomes flooded with questions and wondering what I could have done and should do differently. Where have my deficiencies been as a parent?  Do my words strengthen and show love to my children? Am I giving it my best to love and serve my family and others? At times I see other parents and fall into the trap of comparing myself to them, despite the gentle reminder from Jake that comparison is the thief of joy and have to step back and remember I am comparing my fallacies or weaknesses to their strengths. Above all, I want my children to have a personal relationship with God the Father, be His hands on Earth through serving and loving others, and know of their infinite worth and potential.  My children are a reminder to me of the goodness in the world and the love of God.  Each leaves of footprint of good in the lives of others, a mark in time showing kindness to others, and are a beacon of light to all they come in contact with.   
I loved the week with my girls. We sat up late each night watching movies, shopped, ate out at different places, saw a movie, and Ginny and I got hair cuts. It was great and the house stayed clean. 


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