Sunday, July 7, 2019

Happy Independence Day

I have decided that I am exhausted from all our travels this summer and there is still more to come.  We left DC on Friday, July 5th to get a hotel closer to Buena Vista to get the girls at 7:00 Saturday morning or what that actually translates into is I would go get the girls and then swing back by the hotel and get Jake and the boys. Our last two days in Washington DC were wonderful. On the 4th, we attended the parade, visited the National American History Museum, and then listened to President Trump and watched the fireworks at the Lincoln Memorial.  Trump gave a great tribute to the men and women who serve our nation daily in the military and recognized some everyday folks that make America great through service.  After each branch of the military was addressed, a fly over with the specified branch's aircraft occurred in their honor. Well done, Mr. President.  Earlier that day, in the American History museum, we witnessed the authentic flag that inspired the Star Spangled banner written by Francis Scott Key. I was overwhelmed with gratitude to live in this glorious nation and felt the Spirit testify of this fortune.  On Friday, we toured the United States Capital building and visited the Library of Congress and Supreme Court before leaving town. On the way back to Roanoke, we stopped by one more air and space museum in Chantilly, VA.  We say many authentic air craft, including one that was at Pearl Harbor and the space shuttle Discovery.  I love America!

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