Friday, July 31, 2020

Back to Work & some words no one wants to hear

       Jake and I started back to work Wednesday, July 29, 2020 and the days have passed slowly.  We are unsure if we will be teaching in person, virtual, or a mixture of both. We have decided that our three in school will enroll virtually for this semester. After going to the school and seeing some of the protocols (of course, everything changes daily), we felt our decision was confirmed. ETSU is considering virtual classes as well, so Ginny may get to stay with us a little longer...she is not so thrilled I am sure and I am a little sad for her but will be so happy to have her home. 
       Today had moments of happy and a worry.  My parents came up to visit (Ginny was going to drive there but they decided to come here to see Jake and I too after work) so that was a happy but on the way here, mom received a call from the doctor and has been diagnosed with  thyroid cancer.  She meets with the surgeon next week to find our more information and schedule surgery. While I know all will be as it should and was surprised how mom was handling it (but it could be surreal or not have sunk in), dad seems very worried.  When mom told us, memories flooded back to my Mamaw and her journey with thyroid cancer that allowed her to be reunited with passed loved ones. I thought of how I felt hearing it and wondered the worry my kids might have (which made me sad for them).  I reflected that Jake nor I have any living grandparents now and that our parents are the next generation to cross over.  Although I was only a teenager with Mamaw, I recall it being only a matter of weeks when she was diagnosed, had her surgery, and passed. When they went for surgery, the cancer had already spread to the lymph nodes. I have such fond memories of her and recall her last couple weeks with us and being with her from feeding her chicken and stars soup (that was small enough to swallow) to rubbing her feet to brushing her hair to walking in moments after she passed and seeing her lying in her recliner. It still seems so vivid. Not that I think my mom will pass soon nor that quickly, I am not ready for my children to start losing grandparents.

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