Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Home Sweet Home

Home is where I long to be and want to be.  I very much enjoy visiting others but always like to be home.  We have been quite bus since we got back home. We have visited Jackson a couple of times and went to Paris for three days to help Sandra and Brent re-do their shower. Jake does a very good job and is meticulous in his work. The 4th of July was very different this year with no large gatherings, we let the kids swim at our neighbors house and watched fireworks that evening with them in the cove. Our neighbor had purchased some and there were plenty of others in the area shooting them off.  One went into our garage, it was nuts. The box had tipped over after a couple shot upwards but the remaining four shot out in all directions low. Fortunately no one was hurt.
        Covid cases are peaking and are higher now than in the Spring but yet it seems as people are more lax in their activities and outings. My mind is weighed down with all that is occurring in our nation, I feel I see our nation crumbling before my eyes.  Last night for family scripture Jake shared about repentance. He read a portion in Mosiah and then what the prophet recently stated when he called our nation/people to repentance.  Jake taught that repentance is more than just asking forgiveness of our sins but turning to God. Our nation needs to turn back to God. From here on out, I want to remember that as my definition for repentance....turning back to God.
        I told Jake this morning that I feel a little overwhelmed today, like too much on my mind to handle with: Ginny may have been exposed to Covid over the weekend, my mom had a biopsy today, schools with no idea what they plan to do this fall, and when the decision is made- how will that affect my family, what is the best course of action, etc.  However the crazy thing is that through everything, I somehow feel a little closer to my Heavenly Father and the Book of Mormon feels more real to me (like the people in there). I am enjoying studying this year.  I love home church, it may be my most favorite thing about the current situation in the world.  I am learning so much from Jake and my girls.  My girls have wonderful perspective and gospel knowledge.  They are firm in their testimonies and share so much.  Christopher's prayers are beautiful and so heart felt.  What a privilege to see Will grow in his priesthood power each week as he checks the sacrament prayer and passes it.

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