Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Eve

This Christmas Eve may have been one of my favorites. I am not sure if it is because it is sweeter having everyone together since once has moved or because I was feeling slightly better (I have an ear infection) but either way I will take it.  We spent the evening singing carols, read "The Other Wise Man", sang more songs, laughed, played Ticket to Ride, watched "The Chosen Christmas Special- Messengers", and then laughed more.  We put the kids in the media room for the evening about 10:30 pm so we could set up the escape course.  It took us a few hours and we did not get to bed until after 2:00 am.  By 5:00 am, we heard the kids trying to get through the balloons and they made it to our room about 6:00ish to be attacked with silly string as they came in.  We love hearing about it when they finally arrive, though I would love to see it too. 

Christmas Obstacle Course 2021


Clue #1: Taped to the silver balloon towards the beginning (use kids colors in Ticket to Ride- have several Gotcha balloons)

Good luck not making a peep,

This is what you get when you cheat.

This starts with Ginny,

but the next three are no gimmies.

Remember the order of the remaining kids from tonight

Guided with the invisible light.

Each holds inside something dear,

The results should let you know there is more treasure near.

Idea- Ticket to Ride winner for night to coordinate combo from winners train color (same as balloon)   (lock code: 246) at end of balcony banister


Clue#2: inside the 1st lockbox from banister, leads to light downstairs with scripture.

We vacationed without bear,

Which is quite rare.

Tell Alexa the vacation Name

to continue the game.

Let the light lead

To the next code you need.

You will want to read

In order to find the key.

“And he shall be called “Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning: and his mother shall be called Mary” (Mosiah 3:9 page 152 in the Book of Mormon) (lock code: 152)



Clue #3: 4 small pinatas hanging from ceiling (this inside scripture lock box)

Are you tempted because each has treats,

Or will you resist so you do not awake with all the beats?

The clue lies in only one up there.

Don’t worry what you miss, mom will share.


Clue #4: (inside the correct piƱata)

Mom listens to it, and it never gets old,

Her family is the perfect mold.

It has become her favorite Christmas song,

Listening to it all year long.

No congregation will ever sound as swell,

Not even with real bells.

To avoid her rage, we must find the page.

Idea- I heard the Bells on Christmas Day (lock code: 214 (hymnal number)


Clue #5: inside hymnal lockbox

We love this tradition

This year being the 5th edition.

Think back to the date it all started

When we learned Aubree was cold-hearted.

The alarm gave her a scare

So she shoved the baby without a care.

12/25/2015 = where to step to not make noise down the hallway. 

Ginny went to see Hamilton with her friend Isaac 12/23

Aubree styling and looking beautiful

Caroling......melt my heart and I felt the Spirit too. It was PERFECT.

Christmas morning telling us about the path down.....


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