Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Happy 14th Will!

 Today our handsome boy turned 14.  He is a blessing to our family.  He loves to argue and we are working on not talking back but he is a keeper. He has the biggest heart at helping others and helps everyone feel included. He is learning to love to serve others and accompanies his dad most Sundays to take others the sacrament.  He tries his best to make wise choices and remove himself from bad situations, which we could not be more grateful for. He keeps us on our toes. Today he asked to have two friends over and steak, so we made it happen.

Facts about Will by Will:

I love singing and gaming

My favorite thing to do is spend time with friends and family

 I love learning new things about Jesus Christ and new things in school

You currently want to be when you grow up: Marine Biologist

Your favorite color is: A shade of blue called Cyan

Your favorite show is: The Mandolorian

Your favorite game is: Fortnite because I am able to play with all my friends at once

Your favorite toy or activity is: My favorite activity is being able to go to my friend's houses and hang out with them

Your favorite girl is: My mom; You will never find out my crush mom

You are really good at: Gaming, Activities, and Learning

Your best friend is: Walker Orris, James Jones the 3rd, and Gage McGuffee

You want to vacation to: The Disney Cruise because I love the ocean, boats, and disney

Your favorite ice cream is: Cotton Candy

Your wish is to be: A Marine Biologist when I grow up and be a successful one

Your hero is: My little brother as he always is able to calm me down

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: Play games with them

Your favorite holiday is: Christmas

Your favorite person in the whole world is: My little brother

Your favorite song(s) is: Heavy dirty soul, Come and Go, and I've got a feeling

Your favorite restaurant is: Olive Garden

Your favorite foods are: Alfredo, Mac and cheese, pizza, steak, and ice cream

If you had $1000 you would buy: Food, water, and supplies for the poor

Birthday Dinner with Christopher, Riley, JJ Jones, Will, and Walker Orris


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