Church went well. I LOVED having all 4 of my kids with me. We had the Young Men over for a sock exchange and then hung out as a family for a bit. We celebrated the New Year with New York, so I could go to bed but the girls came back home a few minutes before midnight and rang in the new year. We are blessed beyond measure.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Happy New Year's Eve
Charity's sealing
It has been a very busy break for the Farrell crew. We arrived home from Cloudcroft Wednesday evening and left Thursday morning (12/28) for Georgia for Charity and Owen to be sealed on 12/29. We stopped in Jackson on the way for Will to take his driver's test and had lunch with my mom. Then we made it to Nashville and stopped at Opry Mills mall for a little shopping for the kids. I believe they had an enjoyable time. It was a lovely weekend overall and I so enjoy having all my babies with me. I do know that the time is limited as they are each growing up and the girls are branching out more. Charity and Owen were sealed on 12/29. On 12/30, we had ice cream cake for Will and spent the day at Stone Mountain.
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Happy 16th Birthday Will
Happy 16th birthday Will! He is the most inclusive person I know. He is diligent in reading his scriptures and prays regularly to build his relationship with our Heavenly Father.
He’s also clumsy and forgetful but we are so glad he’s our son. We love you, son.
Facts about Will by Will:
I love my family.
My favorite thing to do is play with Chris
I love learning new things about building
You currently want to be when you grow up: Marine Biologist
Your favorite color is: Cyan
Your favorite show is: Slug Terra
Your favorite game is: Fortnite
My favorite activity is playing Skull King.
Your favorite girl is: Mom
You are really good at: STEM
Your best friend is: Walker Orris, James Jones the 3rd, and Gage McGuffee
You want to vacation to: Disney Cruise again
Your favorite ice cream is: cotton candy
Your wish is to be 17.
Your hero is: Dad
Your favorite thing to do with your friends
is: play
Your favorite holiday is: Christmas
Your favorite person in the whole world is: Mom
Your favorite song(s) is: Stay
Your favorite restaurant is: Olive Garden
Your favorite foods are: pizza
Monday, December 25, 2023
Christmas Eve
As sad as I was there was no church, the evening overall was well, with the exception of the boys arguing. We had a Christmas concert and during it Jake and the kids sang “Light of the World”, the girls did a number, and then Will played “It came upon a Midnight Clear”. The kids spent a little time our room for scripture and prayer and we wore matching pajamas.
Sunday, December 24, 2023
Merry Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas Eve from the Tennessee Farrells! This was not the Sunday Christmas Eve picture I envisioned but how happy I am my family loves me. I was sad church was not happening due to ice road conditions but have enjoyed listening to my girls (and their dad) sing and play.
This year we felt the Savior’s love abundantly through others. It has now been a year since we had water issues with our house and we are so close to those damages being 100% repaired. Friends and family strengthened us from Sunday dinners to encouraging words. Although it was crazy, over 1/2 of this year was in a hotel, we grew as a family in many ways.
I changed jobs this year and left teaching. There are definitely things I miss about it (mostly Jake and our rides to/from work together), we think it was a good move. I serve as the stake historian specialist and assist with ward activities.
Ginny (21) is a college senior this year, at East Tennessee State University, finishing her degree in dental hygiene. She wants to celebrate big because feels like Covid robbed her of her last spring senior festivities. She is looking forward to May and currently prepping her boards. Ginny is currently serving as Relief Society in her branch.
Aubree (19) is a sophomore ar Utah State. She is loving her life, maybe a little more than I like. She works as a CNA at a nursing home and recently was promoted to director at Chick-fil-A. She somehow manages school, work, church responsibilities, and a social life. Her vocals and piano talents continue to grow and are beautiful.
Jake/Will (15) is a sophomore in high school. He is enjoying seminary but does not enjoy school work. He plans to get his driver’s license this week and is looking forward to that. He lived video games abd YouTube but does not like that we limit his time on those. He has helped his dad a lot getting our house back together and is learning to give things his best. He also started piano lessons this year and is developing well at that.
Christopher (13) is in his last year of middle school. He too enjoys video games and YouTube. He served as the Deacon’s quorum president at church this year and was wonderful at strengthening relationships within hud quorum. He arranged game nights and attending each others soccer games outside of weekly mutual activites. He is kind to everyone. He is lived to play Rummikub and Skull King; he reigns as Skull King champ.
And Jake…Jake is our rock. He is committed to the Savior and keeps us all on the right track. He offers the best counsel to our family and loves big. Although he excels in teaching his students at school, he teaches best in our home. He decompresses by playing the piano or sitting to watch a show with me. He has worked diligently on our home and it looks better than ever. Jake is currently serving as bishop of our ward. He is wonderful and truly loved to serve his ward.
We know God lives and loves us.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Sunday inspiration
This past Sunday in Sunday School, we read the scripture about how we are to forgive 7x70. I had a few thoughts and I am sure it was primarily prompted because I have been reading in Revelations. 7 in the Biblical times can be symbolic of complete, so it occurred to me that maybe we are asked to always forgive so we can be complete or whole. When we choose not to forgive others, we are only hurting ourselves, so it is imperative to forgive. I need to work more at becoming better and forgiving.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Good days and hard days
Despite the hard days parenting, there are indeed some good ones too. This weekend was busy with markets. I had 3 plus my Christmas work party. We had Arlington Christmas on Square Friday 5-8, Lightfoot Farms Saturday 9-2, and the Bartlett Christmas Parade Saturday 3-5. I am glad markets are done for the season.
Friday, December 1, 2023
Parenting is hard
Parenting solicits all kids of emotions, ups, and downs. While each of my children have empowering strengths, they also each have struggles and different stressors placed on me. There are times I feel inadequate to parent and feel as if I have failed in certain aspects as a mother/women. This morning my heart is heavy for each of my children for specific reasons.
Ginny. Ginny is currently dating a 18-19 year old boy that is preparing for a mission. She told me yesterday it was different with him and she felt like she loved him. While I have not met him yet, it raises a few flags. One, he has asked her to "wait" on him while he is on his mission. They have only been dating a little over a month or so. Secondly, she is a driven and has been focused on completing her degree. I want each of my girls to marry someone where they do not have to work but feel the education is important in the event they have to one day. I am sure when the time comes and they are preparing to begin a life with someone, I will have other concerns about the husband providing for the family spiritually and financially. Ginny is obedient and becoming a powerful young woman.
Aubree. Aubree is in a world of her own in Utah, a world that in some ways excludes us. She has found the new freedom and things she is more grown up than she is. She is actively preparing to go the temple, which is something that I want all my children to do but I do not understand why she feels the urgent rush. We are trying to encourage her to wait until the summer when she can hopefully spend more time with us and more family can plan to attend. While I have seen growth in her in Utah, I have also seen some things that are not my little girl. She uses words more loosely now and her modesty standard has declined some. However I do believe the modest thing is primarily working out or Halloween, it raises concerns to me as a mother because small deviations can lead to larger ones. I fear Aubree is not getting adequate rest. She is in school, working two jobs, and has quite the social life right now. Fortunately, both our girls, Ginny and Aubree, faithfully attend church and participate in their church callings. Ginny is a stronger desire to see us more often and I eagerly anticipate when that hits Aubree too. I pray that my babies, all four of them, will always be close, in touch with one another, and involved with Jake and I. Aubree loves to give to others, like she really likes to give gifts to others, and her heart has righteous desires. She wants to know the Savior.
Will, oh Will. He is battling with his self confidence which I believe is leading to other issues (primarily hygiene but a whole new level of it). Just this morning after dropping him off at school, I pleaded with God to please help me help him. Have I failed so much that my son has no idea how loved he is or who he is, as our son and a son of God. I prayed fervently for his future wife/companion to love him in a way to build him up where I have fallen short. Do I focus so much on his weaknesses that I neglect to point out his strengths? Last night on the way to mutual he was down talking himself, should I have pointed out more good? He expressed that some kids were mean to him at school and called him names for defending a friend as asking a fight to not be videoed. He has the best heart and is so empathetic. Does the compassion come of out him being picked on and knowing the feeling? Does he have friends? My heart breaks for him. We have told him that improving his hygiene will lead to less negative comments from others. I am so scared he hears negative voices towards him at home and at school. He should feel protected at home, a place of refuge. Jake gets upset at him and decides he cannot talk to him, which I think is 100% wrong and have told him we do not turn our back on our kids ever. I also told Jake last night that when he does that it makes me feel as if I am at it alone. Will is hard right now, but he is our hard and we are his parents. We can help help him with confidence, honesty, and hygiene but I need him to decide too to want to improve on the latter two. It crossed my mind last night and this morning that if Jake does not want to be the father right now to him then I am going to ask him to be his bishop. Then after my prayer this morning the thought crossed my mind to ask the executive secretary to put our boy in the 6:30 slot when Jake has a 6 and 7 appointment. Maybe this will help soften both hearts and improve relationships as I have prayed for. Will takes the lonely rad not traveled often and seeks to comfort others. He has a desire to do and be good.
Christopher. I am scared that his relationship is hindered by the issues we are having with his brother right now. Is he feeling noticed or alone? I worry more about my boys getting picked on than I did my girls. Are others kind to him? He is so small and although his speech has improved significantly, he is still so very soft spoken and not all words are enunciated nor pronounced correctly. I see Christopher developing some of the same habits that could be avoided and have no idea how to best shift them without he or his brother feeling bad. I do not want to nag at them and want them to see their good. Christopher is full of perseverance and courage. He is also really good about reaching out and inviting others in his Deacon's quorum or others to church. He strives to be inclusive.
Overall, I have been blessed with wonderful children that have strengths where it is important. They each have characteristics that exemplify the Savior and change the lives of others for the best. They are a light in my life and an example to me. They help me want to do and be better. They are a beacon of light in a dark world and we gravitate towards light.
While parenting is so hard, it has also taught me to love more fiercely. I am trying so hard to improve how I communicate things to my children and improve too. I so hope they love me despite my flaws and try to see the good in me. I am doing the very best I can although some days I feel I do more harm than good. They are my babies and I want to be their biggest cheerleader and advocate yet counsel them as well. Jake is way better than me and I need him.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Sunday talk- last minute
Jake needed a speaker for Sunday, so Saturday he asked if I could. I am always happy to help him. I did recycle a talk with a few slight changes.
Matthew 25:31-45 (11/2023)
31 ¶When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
Last night as I asked Christopher to bring me a drink, I was reminded of the simplicity to fetch a drink in our day. It is a simple thing to. Grab a cup, go to any faucet in the house and turn it on! However, the people of the first century did not have indoor plumbing. Unless you had potted water already, you had to walk out to a stream or go to a well to get water to drink. Neither of which was probably real handy, so either way it was not such a simple task! For us it may seem trivial, but it was a real chore for them. Doing something you wouldn’t want to do all the time, makes the service that much more meaningful.
Today we have automated machines to accomplish tasks such as making thread and weaving fabric, so making clothing is no big task. Back in biblical times clothing was not so easy and expedient to make. It took time and a lot of effort! Remember how they drew lots for Jesus Christ's clothing when he was crucified? Even a dead man's clothing was coveted. Are we seeking to truly feed the hungry, give others a drink who thirst, and cloth the naked?
This is my absolute favorite time of the year! I love the changing of the leaves, all the school breaks, the holidays, the decorations, the smells, THE FOOD, but most of all I love the Spirit that is more evident as December approaches. It is noticeable that Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, we are all a little more willing to serve, to give to someone in need, to hold the door open, or to put coins in a bucket.
November begins a crazy busy time of the year. Streets and stores are filled with people making preparations for turkey and gratitude and the soon to be Christmas season. Travelers on the highways increase, airports are crowded—and all of Christianity seems to come to life with music, lights, and festive decorations.
This time of year comes to him who has taken Christ into his life as a moving, dynamic, vitalizing force. The real spirit of this time of year lies in the life and mission of the Master. Elder Baird states:
It is a desire to sacrifice for others, to render service and to possess a feeling of universal brotherhood. It consists of a willingness to forget what you have done for others, and to remember what others have done for you; to ignore what the world owes you, and think only of your duties in the middle distance, and your chance to do good and aid your fellow-men in the foreground—to see that your fellow-men are just as good as you are, and try to look behind their faces to their hearts—to close your book of grievances against the universe, and look about you for a place to sow a few seeds of happiness, and go your way unobserved.
As we follow in His footsteps today and as we emulate His example, we will have opportunities to bless the lives of others. Jesus invites us to give of ourselves: “Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.” Is there someone for whom you should provide service for today? Is there one who awaits your text? Your visit? Many of us have a desire to serve others, to seek out those who need to feel of the Savior’s love through us. And what a wonderful gift that is, for we all know that when we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are only in the service of our God. (Mosiah 2:17)
The responsibility to care for the poor and needy lies at the very heart of the gospel. The scriptures tell us in James chapter 1 verse 27 “pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world”. In addition to refraining from evil, true disciples of the Master wear out their lives in the service of others. It was Jesus Himself who said, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant” (Matthew 20:27). As always, Jesus, the Chosen Servant, showed us the way, capping His mortal ministry with the supernal sacrifice of His sinless life
[Now], the ultimate measure of our discipleship is not to be found in the number of Church positions we have held but rather in the extent to which we keep Christ’s commandments. “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them,” Jesus said, “he it is that loveth me”. (John 14:21) We cannot fully keep His commandments unless we serve others.
However, we should not assume that service to others is the only virtue we are to cultivate as disciples of the Master. Far from it. But service to others is essential if we are to realize and retain the fullness of Christ’s Atonement in our lives.
President Spencer W. Kimball pointed out that “the most vital thing we can do is to express our testimonies through service, which will, in turn, produce spiritual growth, greater commitment, and a greater capacity to keep the commandments.”
In the final analysis, then, the greatest testimony we can ever give to others is an exemplary life devoted to service. “Service,” said President Marion G. Romney, “is not something we endure on this earth so we can earn the right to live in the celestial kingdom. Service is the very fiber of which an exalted life in the celestial kingdom is made” (CR, October 1982, 135; or “The Celestial Nature of Self-Reliance,” Ensign, November 1982, 93).
Service is multi-faceted. It can come in the least expected ways. Disney, the land of excitement, bustling with people, and anticipation for children that can hardly be contained. One of my most cherished miracles occurred there. On an elevator headed back to our room, I heard on the walkie talkie a child was alone in another elevator. Immediately my heart sank, I just knew it was my boy. I called Jake and was assured the kids were in the room with him, but a closer inspection showed one was missing, our 3–4-year-old son had escaped the room. My worst nightmare was a reality for a moment as the worst scenarios played through my head. He was so young, innocent, and cute. Who would not want to snatch such a cutie? I frantically did not know where to begin to find my rambunctious boy. Hotel staff and complete strangers began to help us look for our Will. Then after what seemed like forever but was only minutes, the Lord gave me a miracle. One of the greatest joys I have experienced was seeing him holding the hand of a stranger, knowing he was okay. For me, that was one of the greatest miracles and acts of love in my life, and it was from a stranger. Some of the greatest service I have been rendered comes from complete strangers that saw a mother in a time of need and hearts were filled with compassion and love.
Jesus asks us to be generous with our love. These simple words from one of my favorite hymns expresses this charge to us, which says:
Because I have been given much, I too must give;
Because of thy great bounty, Lord, each day I live
I shall divide my gifts from Thee with ev’ry brother that I see
Who has the need of help from me.
Because I have been sheltered, fed by thy good care,
I cannot see another’s lack and I not share
My glowing fire, my loaf of bread, my roof’s safe shelter overhead,
That he too may be comforted.
I have been blessed by thy great love, dear Lord,
I’ll share thy love again, according to thy word.
I shall give love to those in need; I’ll show that love by word and deed:
Thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed.
[“Because I Have Been Given Much,” Hymns, 1985, no. 219]
We must serve others and become fortified together as we do so. Recently Jake and I visited California and had the opportunity to see Redwoods (Jake was so excited, he loves rocks and trees). In preparing for this talk, I was reminded of a portion of talk my dear husband gave almost a decade ago. He stated: “…The largest trees in the world are coastal redwoods. These trees can stand 380 feet tall with a trunk diameter of 30 feet. Amazingly, their roots only go 5 to 6 feet into the ground, and its main roots are only about an inch in diameter. And the trees are exposed to frequent high winds as coastal storms slam into the Pacific Northwest.
How do these giants withstand the strong winds given their relatively weak foundation? The secret is in their weakness. As if they had knowledge of their weakness, redwoods’ roots interweave among the roots of other
redwoods. They create a webbing of roots that allow them to rely on each other when the storms come. As I look out among you, I see spiritual giants, the redwoods of the gospel. Not perfect, but in the pursuit of perfection. Each of us have weakness. The Lord said to Ether, “And if men come unto me I will show them their weakness.” Each of us are buffeted by storms. At times, each of us will fall short of the expectation we place on ourselves, and the potential we have. My hope, my plea, is that not one of us will be an island during those times. May each of us be yoked together, our roots weaved together, that at the times of those great storms we will still stand. “ We need one another. We need to serve one another, and we need to allow ourselves to be served so that our roots can be intertwined as we become the Savior’s hands and know Him better. We can become an anchor of love and hope for others.
L. Whitney Clayton said, “Because of the Savior born two thousand years ago in Bethlehem, there is hope—and so much more. There is redemption, release, victory and triumph. The wrong shall fail the right prevail. No wonder a choir of angels suddenly appeared as a heavenly exclamation point to the angel's announcement of the Savior's birth, singing "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." No message could ever be more reassuring. No message ever was filled with more good will toward men”. .
So, if we desire to find and to have the true spirit of this season (Thanksgiving and Christmas too) and always and partake of the sweetness of it, let me make this suggestion to you. During the hurry of the festive occasion of this season, find time to turn to God. Perhaps in the quiet hours, and in a quiet place, and on your knees—alone or with loved ones—first, give thanks for the blessings that you have been given – name them by name, and then second, ask for His spirit to be with you so that you will have the strength and determination to strive to serve Him by following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ and serving our fellow man. Search out opportunities to help others and offer random acts of kindness. Feed those that hunger and clothe those that are naked…this is applicable in every aspect: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
As we begin to notice the lights and decor, may we become a light to others and as Elder Bednar suggested several years ago: “May the beautiful lights of every holiday season remind us of Him who is the source of all light”. “Let us open our eyes and see the heavy heart, notice the loneliness and despair; let us feel the silent prayers of others around us and let us be an instrument in the hands of the Lord and answer those prayers” – Deiter F Uchtdorf
Saturday, November 25, 2023
It was a great Thanksgiving week. Different but good. I am always happy when Ginny comes home. I do not like that Aubree was not here again but she will be home for Christmas. How I hope that my babies continue to come home often forever. Micheal and his family came down for a few days (Friday-Thursday) and then James surprised everyone and showed up Tuesday night through Friday at my parents house. My eyes got a little teary seeing how happy they were. I am beginning now to understand the feeling a little more. There is such a joy when our kids come home. I am glad that Aubree was able to meet up with her cousin, Nathan, Thanksgiving evening though. I have so many things to be thankful for. One of my greatest is Jake and my children. Jake has worked so hard on getting our home back in order; it is looking great. I feel bad though as when he is not at work or bishoping, he is working on the house. He is getting so close. I have spent several weekends doing markets but my last one for the season is 12/1 - 12/2. I will be glad to be done with that for the season.
Friday, November 10, 2023
November News
1. If you have not been to the temple, prepare to do so.
2. If it has been a while since you have been to the temple, return.3. If you attend the temple often, invite a friend.
4. If you are a youth, carry family names when you attend the temple.
Of course he worded them much more eloquently. He is serving faithfully. At times I feel bad because he has the house to worry about too but do really try to be patient with that. I often wonder how the Lord saw fit to bless me with such an amazing spouse. He is the best thing that has happened in my life and because of him, other great things have come (I guess this counts my kids :)). I miss working with him daily and the car rides to/from work.
Sunday, October 15, 2023
San Francisco together
This past weekend I was sent on my first work trip with UTHSC. It was to a conference in San Francisco where I only had to be there 3 hours at a resident open house on Saturday, so we decided Jake and I could go together and have some time. We left early Thursday morning and flew home on a midnight flight Saturday night. We could have stayed through Tuesday but he needed to be at work Monday and we wanted to get to our boys. We arrived Thursday early afternoon and were able to spend much of the day exploring. We ate in Chinatown, saw the Golden Gate Bridge, went to Muir Woods to see giant Redwoods for the first time, and to the ocean for a few minutes. We explored all day Friday (Oakland Temple, Alcatraz, and Pier 39) and up until about 2:30pm Saturday (some air carrier/launch ship). It was just a fun little get away together. I love that man.