Thursday, December 28, 2023

Happy 16th Birthday Will

 Happy 16th birthday Will! He is the most inclusive person I know. He is diligent in reading his scriptures and prays regularly to build his relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

He’s also clumsy and forgetful but we are so glad he’s our son. We love you, son.

Facts about Will by Will:

I love my family.

My favorite thing to do is play with Chris

 I love learning new things about building

You currently want to be when you grow up: Marine Biologist

Your favorite color is: Cyan

Your favorite show is: Slug Terra

Your favorite game is: Fortnite

My favorite activity is playing Skull King.

Your favorite girl is: Mom

You are really good at: STEM

Your best friend is: Walker Orris, James Jones the 3rd, and Gage McGuffee

You want to vacation to: Disney Cruise again

Your favorite ice cream is: cotton candy

Your wish is to be 17.

Your hero is: Dad

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: play

Your favorite holiday is: Christmas

Your favorite person in the whole world is: Mom

Your favorite song(s) is: Stay

Your favorite restaurant is: Olive Garden

Your favorite foods are: pizza

If you had $1000 you would buy: a pool

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