Merry Christmas Eve from the Tennessee Farrells! This was not the Sunday Christmas Eve picture I envisioned but how happy I am my family loves me. I was sad church was not happening due to ice road conditions but have enjoyed listening to my girls (and their dad) sing and play.
This year we felt the Savior’s love abundantly through others. It has now been a year since we had water issues with our house and we are so close to those damages being 100% repaired. Friends and family strengthened us from Sunday dinners to encouraging words. Although it was crazy, over 1/2 of this year was in a hotel, we grew as a family in many ways.
I changed jobs this year and left teaching. There are definitely things I miss about it (mostly Jake and our rides to/from work together), we think it was a good move. I serve as the stake historian specialist and assist with ward activities.
Ginny (21) is a college senior this year, at East Tennessee State University, finishing her degree in dental hygiene. She wants to celebrate big because feels like Covid robbed her of her last spring senior festivities. She is looking forward to May and currently prepping her boards. Ginny is currently serving as Relief Society in her branch.
Aubree (19) is a sophomore ar Utah State. She is loving her life, maybe a little more than I like. She works as a CNA at a nursing home and recently was promoted to director at Chick-fil-A. She somehow manages school, work, church responsibilities, and a social life. Her vocals and piano talents continue to grow and are beautiful.
Jake/Will (15) is a sophomore in high school. He is enjoying seminary but does not enjoy school work. He plans to get his driver’s license this week and is looking forward to that. He lived video games abd YouTube but does not like that we limit his time on those. He has helped his dad a lot getting our house back together and is learning to give things his best. He also started piano lessons this year and is developing well at that.
Christopher (13) is in his last year of middle school. He too enjoys video games and YouTube. He served as the Deacon’s quorum president at church this year and was wonderful at strengthening relationships within hud quorum. He arranged game nights and attending each others soccer games outside of weekly mutual activites. He is kind to everyone. He is lived to play Rummikub and Skull King; he reigns as Skull King champ.
And Jake…Jake is our rock. He is committed to the Savior and keeps us all on the right track. He offers the best counsel to our family and loves big. Although he excels in teaching his students at school, he teaches best in our home. He decompresses by playing the piano or sitting to watch a show with me. He has worked diligently on our home and it looks better than ever. Jake is currently serving as bishop of our ward. He is wonderful and truly loved to serve his ward.
We know God lives and loves us.
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