Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Happy 2025

New's Year Eve was spent playing games and karaoke with the five of us home and it was a good end of 2024.  2024 was good for our family. 

Some of the highlights for the family that I recall are: Aubree went through the temple, Ginny graduated college and started her 1st full time job, trip to Cozumel with the girls, karaoke at my parents and Will shining, Utah and Tennessee football games, Fall break trip with Aubree (DC, Philadelphia, and New York), cruise with Jake's siblings and parents, Thanksgiving with all my family together (except Aubree and Eva), the Reindeer games, and the Christmas holiday. It has been a good year for our family.

Jake still serves as bishop and is a great one. He loves the youth and the ward a lot.  We had snow in January and he loved that. He was able to marry 4 people this year and had no funerals, that was a pleasant change. We went to 2 Utes football games and he ended the year buying a new truck. 

Renee' hit her year mark with UTHSC and has adapted well.  I am learning that my greatest joy really is time with my family.

Ginny described her year on social media as follows: "2024. What a year. The year I tried to remember to be in the here and now because we are never guaranteed tomorrow. I graduated college and survived hygiene school. I got to know so many great people along the way. I started my dream job and found an office that I love working at.I moved back home to my favorite city with some of my favorite people. I started reading again and then read a a whole awful lot.I learned to mostly love running which has turned out to be on the best things I have ever done for myself. I started to feel like me a gain and tried to embrace every part of who I am. I'll always remember 24. Thanks for being my best year yet."

Aubree began the year by taking her temple endowment out. has learned some valuable lessons, we hope, about time management and priorities with her setbacks in school this year. She was a made a director at Chick-Fil A in Logan.

Will started home school and got his first job at Chick Fil A.  He also attended his first SEC football game, watching the Vols in Knoxville and loved it. 

Christopher embarked on his high school years and attended his first church dance. He has started taking an interest in the kitchen this year.

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