Saturday, December 28, 2024

And he is 17....

We all have one, or for some of us two. The child or loved one that contributes to lack of sleep and much worry. I have mine, you have yours. But today, one of mine celebrates his 17th birthday and it seems like yesterday, I was watching him ride his hot wheel thing in his underwear and Toy Story hat. Our boy loves big. As much as he helps me grow, he has the biggest heart. He takes time for the one, who needs to be noticed (if he’s not lost in thought). He’s funny without trying and oh so witty. He’s a gentle giant of a kid. We wouldn’t trade him most days and we know he’s destined for good. He is the clumsiest kid we know and our miracle boy (ax in foot, bitten by a black widow, and Steven Johnson's from his medication).  We love you and believe in you, Jacob William! Happy Birthday to my Will!  

Facts about Will by Will:

I love my family and friends.

My favorite thing to do is hang out and play with friends

I love learning new things about piano

You currently want to be when you grow up: A Marine Biologist

Your favorite color is: Teal

Your favorite show is: Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Your favorite game is: Fortnite

My favorite activity is playing games

Your favorite girl is: My mom

You are really good at: Fortnite

Your best friend is: Walker Orris and James Jones

You want to vacation to: The Caribbean on a cruise

Your favorite ice cream is: Cotton Candy

Your wish is to be rich and successful

Your hero is: My dad

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: Hang out in real life

Your favorite holiday is: Christmas

Your favorite person in the whole world is:  I have no favorites

Your favorite song(s) is: Born with a Broken Heart and Lucid Dreams

Your favorite restaurant is: Texas De Brazil

Your favorite foods are: Steak

If you had $1000 you would buy: A personal laptop and Gas


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