Sunday, September 1, 2024

Back to School Shenanigans and August update

School looked a little different starting back this year with us attempting to home school Will.  Christopher began his 9th grade year at the academy and Jake entered is 19th or 20th year of teaching. I was a little sad again this year not to be returning with Jake but kept myself busy with work and trying to get things squared away with Will and find curriculum.  

We had Will apply for jobs and he was offered one at the dry cleaners and Chick-Fil-A.  We wanted him to take the job at the dry cleaners because his schedule would be 7-1, off on Thursdays, and never passed 7:00pm because they close at 7. However, despite our counsel, he chose CFA.  I was initially aggravated by it because I worry that they would not let him off in time to get Chris and less flexible with his schedule but I know feel Will followed the Spirit.  The week after he started, we learned of some inappropriate conduct at the dry cleaners through a friend's daughter who had gotten a job there. She was told and shown police reports filed on one of the older men harassing a teenage female employee.  He Will had his first day at CFA on 8/26.  We hope he enjoys it and it helps me not worry so much during the day.  We will just work to ensure all his schoolwork is completed. 

 Aubree had dinner with one of my old seminary teachers and one of their children. Another tender mercy of God placing people in the paths of my children and nearby. It provides me a little more comfort knowing if something happened, people are close I can call on to get to our Aubree.

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