Friday, September 6, 2024

Scares but knowing all is well

 This past July, a 1.9cm cyst was discovered on Jake's right thyroid. We were sent to endocrinologist, who ordered another ultrasound of the thyroid.  The ultrasound showed it was solid and not liquid which increases the likelihood had that is cancerous (although cysts on the thyroid are a majority of the time benign), so a biopsy was ordered.  I could tell when I got home from work the day of the ultrasound that Jake was a little concerned.  He told me he was fairly confident that it was cancerous as he closely watched and then came home to research more and compare images.  The biopsy was performed 9/4/2024 and then we just had to wait.  I checked the patient portal often and on the afternoon of 9/5/2024, I saw the results....BENIGN!!!  I do not think Jake nor I realized that we were more nervous than we though as we both felt joy and relief.  We had decided either way, we would be fine.  The text message below is what he sent to his family (we had told only his parents):

"Wanted to let y'all know that I had a biopsy done on a nodule in my thyroid.  I wasn't really sharing with anyone except mom and dad because I didn't know if there was really anything to worry you about, though I imagined mom may have told a few of you.  I will admit, I have been a little nervous about it.  I got the report back today.  It is benign.

In the little bit of time I have had to think about what behavior I might change or what I might do if the news was worse, there is one thing I would make sure.  I would make sure each of you knew how much I loved and appreciated you.  I can think of some many things I am grateful for about each of you.

However, since it is benign, I think I will keep all of that to myself and let you know that I still believe I am the only perfect child mom and dad have."

He had a colonoscopy scheduled for 9/9. I took off work to carry him and told him that a part of me wondered if that would show something because he felt strongly the cyst was cancerous.  He said the same thing had crossed his mind.  We were once again fortunate to show no abnormalities and all was well.  It has caused me to reflect a little on how much I need and love that man.  I would be devastated in the event something happened to him. He keeps me grounded, is a source of joy, and a spiritual rock for our family.

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