Sunday, May 26, 2024

Cozumel (5/19-5/26)


While I know my life is extremely blessed, I was in awe this week of a few things: the beauty of the earth, kindness of others, and above all the exceptional young women that our girls have become. I was able to see my girls in a different lights as developing young adults.  The things they talked about and argued over have changed since they last lived together. We are proud of the women they are becoming.  They (Ginny and Aubree) are beacons of light and constant reminders of God’s goodness. Jake and I enjoyed a full week in Cozumel with our girls. We tried new things and spent countless hours together. We snorkeled (or I attempted, it’s not my thing), burnt, ate all kinds of new things, rode bikes, sat beach side, played cards, got sick, saw Mayan ruins, saw crocodiles in the wild, shopped, laughed too hard, and all but me attempted to scuba. 

On one of the days Jake was sick, there was an excursion and decided to be brave and take the girls.  As we loaded the bus, the guide asked if all spoke Spanish, the girls and I were the only ones that did not. Okay well me, they both know enough to understand and get by. The guide would speak everything in Spanish and then translate to the best of his abilities into English. I was reminded of the story of Jesus leaving the flock to rescue the one and thought of the importance of one. While I try my best to notice or help the "one", I realized that day I was also one of the "one" and was cared about enough by a stranger that he tried to speak in my language.  

It was not easy for me to leave knowing Aubree was headed back to Utah, I just wanted to make her come back to Tennessee with me.

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