Sunday, February 23, 2020

Sunday Ramblings

One thing that I enjoy about my calling is the opportunity to visit other units within the stake, although I do enjoy sitting with my family more at church.  Recently as I have listened to the talk given and the lessons, I am coming to understand a little bit more about grace and the doors we choose to open and close in our lives.  The stake theme this year for ward conferences comes from Moroni 10:32 and the church wide youth theme is 1Nephi 3:7.  The sacrament talks pricked my heart today and provided a reassurance that none of us are every lost.  God loves us and Christ has paid the price for each of us. Grace has become a topic that I desire to know more off. From the best I can tell there are two main ideas associated with grace. The first from Ephesians that we are all saved by grace alone and the second from 2 Nephi 25:23, that we are saved by grace after all we can do. In an essence are they both not true?  We are all saved through the atonement from death because of the resurrection and maybe Nephi tells us the "all we can do" is believe in Christ, as he repeats throughout the entire chapter. One of my favorite quotes about grace comes from Emily Belle Freeman, she states: "...grace is not just for the salvation of sinners, but also for the bestowing of blessings. It is given through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. He was willing to come down and come in to help each of us become. His grace is the gift of transformation, an endowment of strength, divine assistance and enabling power, the elevating of souls, and the healing of hearts. Grace is His favor and His kindness and the tenderness with which He extends His mercies. It is His touch on our heart and how we reflect that within our life. Grace is always there, but we notice it most in our weakness, in our brokenness. The Lord has the capacity, He has the ability to reach into every one of us and make us the best we could be in that situation. And He will touch my heart. And then I will be able to reflect that version of myself in that situation because of His grace. He's going to magnify me, He's going to increase my capacity to be the best mom, to be the best spouse, to be the best friend, to be the best of whatever I am entering into, because He has promised he will meet me there and He will extend His grace to me, and through Him, I will be able to accomplish that—whatever it is—so much better." I love, love, love that!
     Today during our youth lesson, several images of doors were shown and we talked about the types of doors and what they are used for.  We talked about the imagery of open doors and closed doors and how they can mean so many different things to everyone.  Maybe for some a closed door represents restrictions but for others safety, could the door material have anything at all to do with the portrayal?  I jotted the following down today: I am never alone. Christ is there and at the door waiting. Renee'- are you mindful of all the struggles and decisions that Jake or each of your children are contemplating? Am I a safe-haven for them and a source of goodness?  

Sunday, February 16, 2020

February, oh February

Senior year for Ginny is well underway and the decisions of colleges are at hand. She has been accepted into all that she has applied to (East Tennessee State University, BYU, and the University of Utah), now she has to decide where she will attend. We have taken Will to a psychiatrist a few times to see if he has ADD or ADHD.  Each test shows that he is well above average in his academics. They also compliment that he is well behaved and involved in good activities.  While I do not discredit that (I know that may children are good), much of that is accredited to the gospel.  As I am working to develop a relationship with Christ and not just routine habits, I come to appreciate the gospel more and the role it has played in my life, morals, and the unsurpassed role in my children's life.
Celebrating Nana's birthday in Idaho (we were not there but the picture was sent to us)

Miles and Aubree 2/15/20

Escape room with Becky and Adam

Chris and Crystal family (Jan 2020)

Aubree and her friend, Anna Wright

Celebrating Nana's birthday in Jackson 2/15/2020