Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget

Tragedy struck our nation on this day in 2001 and I will never forget that day or the coming days. September 11, 2001, I was laying on the couch pregnant with Ginny and sick when I turned on the television to watch my normal game show. However, to my dismay, I could not believe the images on every channel...our beloved peaceful nation was under attack. My heart hurt that day and for weeks and months afterward. Growing up, I do not recall being a patriotic guru but today I cry just hearing children recite the pledge of allegiance. Today, I was blessed to attend a remembrance ceremony at the girl's new school, Alturia Elementary. Ginny performed with the 5th notes, a choral group she auditioned for, and it was beautiful. Hundreds of young students, the hope and future leaders of our nation, walked out in solemn peace carrying little flags and gathered around the flag pole as veterans raised the flag to half mast. A moment of silence was taken, followed by the 5th notes singing the Star Spangled Banner, then the mayor of Bartlett spoke. His words resounded in my ears. He spoke of the service of those great men and women who knowingly gave their lives, making a conscious decision trying to save others by attempting to stop the terrorists. He told the children that the flag serves as a reminder that our nation is one that offers service and the children can each serve each day by small acts (citing examples). He encouraged the students to stay steadfast, honor the nation, and one another. Then 5th notes sang another beautiful song, followed by honoring local heroes, and two more musical numbers. I loved hearing the echo of the pledge by all the guests in attendance. This morning was time well spent!
Ginny is the beautiful young lady on the front row with a white dress and denim jacket...isn't she beautiful!

Cousin Fun and Misc.

My sweet babies...I am blessed

The loves of my life

My favorite person/thing ever

Cousin bath time

I love, love, love living close to family and love that my kids get to play with their cousins!!

Aubree's baptism Day


The weekend following Aubree's birthday was filled with much happiness and joy for our family, surrounded by our closest friends and family. Jake's parents (Tommie and Lynn Farrell) and brothers (both Tommie Farrell (TW) with Olivia (cousin) and Chris Farrell with Callie (cousin)), all arrived Friday afternoon into the evening. Friday night, we met us with all of my siblings and mom at Gus's Fried chicken to celebrate Aubree. We accidentally left the ice cream cake at home, one just in the refrigerator, so after the best fried chicken ever we came back to our place to open gifts, sing, and enjoy cake.

Then on Saturday morning, September 8th, 2012, our beautiful Aubree made a covenant with her Heavenly Father and became a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Personally, I was overwhelmed by the love felt that day and LOVED being surrounded by both sides of the family. Several of our friends from our previous ward came to support Aubree as well and the room was standing room only. Some of the friends included: Rob and Debbie Swanson, Steve and Tiffany Sandridge (with their girls), Marcia and Tony Taylor, Linsey Devey, Levi and Jenn Fearnley (with son, LJ), Sue Reuschoff, Josh Beers (with daughter Elle), Sandra Leumai (with daughter Celeste), the Ransoms, and all of may family (Even Papaw), minus Michael.  Michael drove to Jackson to site with Mr. John so that dad could come up  How I would love to live near both sides! It makes me sad some days to know that will never happen. Anyways, her baptism was perfect and you could see the love that she and her daddy had for one another. Due to all the excitement and I did not arrive early, I neglected to get pictures at the church but did get a few at home.

Baptism of
Aubree Rae Farrell

September 8th, 2012
Bartlett 2nd Ward
Memphis TN  North Stake

Baptism of
AubreeRae Farrell
September 8th, 2012
Bartlett Second Ward, Memphis North Stake
Presiding………………….............................Brother Dunlap
Conducting………………...………………….Brother Perry
Pianist………………………………………….Rob Swanson
Chorister………………………….……………Charity Dilgard (aunt)

Opening Hymn………………………………..Praise to the Man (#27)

Opening Prayer………………………………..Sandra Adamson (aunt)

Talk on Baptism…………………………………Rebekah Eaton (Aunt)

Baptismal Ordinance for Aubree Rae Farrell
Performed by Jacob L Farrell (father)
Witnesses:  John Eaton Rochelle (Papa) and Tommie Farrell (Papa)

Interlude Music

Special Musical Number by Aubree’s cousins and siblings

Talk on the Holy Ghost……………………..……Chris Farrell (uncle)

Confirmation Ordinance for Aubree Rae Farrell
Performed by Jacob L Farrell

Welcoming Remarks……………………..…….Julie Glover, Primary President

Welcoming Remarks……………………………Brother Dunlap

Closing Hymn……………………….………...Families can be Together Forever (#300)

Closing Prayer………………………………….Diane Eaton (Nana)

Please join us for refreshments following the closing prayer.

Photos may be taken in the foyer before or after the service, but please do not take photos during the baptismal ordinance.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eight is GREAT

This week our sweet Aubree celebrated her eighth birthday. Over the weekend, we (headed up by Ginny) surprised her and took her to dinner and gave her the gifts. Then, a couple nights later we went to see a movie and for ice cream and on her actual birthday the next night, out to dinner again. Aubree is a blessing to our family and a source of joy. She is a great example to her siblings and ALWAYS thinks of other people. She has a huge heart and even when people are unkind to her, she tries to show kindness to them. Aubree loves to sing and dance. Her talent of playing the piano is improving daily. She enjoys playing dolls with the neighborhood girls these days too. Currently, Aubree favorites are as follows:
Toys- Monster High dolls and Brave dolls
Food- Pulled pork burritos
Restaurant- Olive Garden
Color- Purple

We love you, Aubree Rae Farrell and are excited for the decision you have made to be baptized. I am forever grateful that you are my daughter and the example you are to me.