Friday, June 21, 2019

Arizona trip comes to an end...

Jake and I drove 22 hours straight to get home. We had planned to leave about 3:00 am but ended up leaving about 11:00 pm the night before.  Goodbyes can be hard. We had a good trip and typically enjoy our summer getaways with Chris and Chrystal; it helps that our kids are close to the same age.  Not only did we visit the Grand Canyon, we visited other national monuments: Wupatki, Walnut Canyon, and Sunset Crater Volcano.  My favorite was Walnut Grove. There were way too many stairs but I loved the ruins built in the canyon walls. We also visited Sedona, Arizona and went off-roading.  Sedona may be one of the most beautiful cities I have seen.  I am so glad we are able to take trips with our babies during the summer.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Grand Canyon is grand!

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to take the kids to the Grand Canyon, it was also my first time to see the magnificence of the Grand Canyon. We took the Grand Canyon Railway up to the canyon and spent a few hours there. Somehow, I managed to biff it real good after de-boarding the train but managed to not let it stop my family from our little hike to explore, despite the pain and soreness (it is quite scratched, bruised, and swollen still this morning). We only visited the South Rim before heading back to catch the train. I am not sure the kids enjoy our national park adventures but it is something that I did not experience as a child but I did enjoy the beauty of nature locally.  I want our kids to see the grandeur of our beautiful country, well actually world but that is not economically feasible.  I am so thankful for our summers together and explorations. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Summer Trip Part 1

Our first summer venture is underway.  Jake had to have a root canal and it was more economic to buy a plane ticket for him to go to James to get it done, than to just have it done at home, so that is what we did.  His trip to Boise was short but enjoyable (he flew out Monday 6/10 and we picked him up Wednesday 6/12). The plan was for my to pick him in in Albuquerque, NM on Wednesday at 5:42 p.m. at the airport, so the kids and I left about 2:45 a.m. Wednesday June 12th.  I was very worried about Ginny and she was uncertain she was going to try to go until the 11th.  However, on the 11th, it was as if she work up better. Now I am not saying 100% better but she did not sleep all day nor ask for medicines all day and she walked around some.  She still does not have a voice and says it hurts to eat, yawn, or try to talk but she has made strides.  I wanted her as comfortable as possible on the trip, so about 2:20 a.m, I gave her liquid Tylenol PM and the boys melatonin. We were able to drive the furthest without stopping until we needed gas (almost 5 hours) and all my babies slept. Surprisingly, I was able to stay alert and we arrived to get Jake safe and sound.  The kids were GREAT.  After we got Jake, we ate dinner in Gallup NM, and then Jake drove the remaining three hours to meet Chris somewhere in Arizona. The kids and I were in the car over twenty hours but were champs.  The following day we visited and went to Bearizona.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Happy 9th Birthday Christopher

Christopher- You are the sweetest little boy that we know. With that said you have developed a sneaky mean streak towards your brother.  We are told on a regular basis how loved you are by others and how they think you are the sweetest little guy.  You help without bring asked and look out for others. You are giving to others and of yourself.  When someone is sad, you have a way of cheering them up....we are so glad you are in our family- this is where you belong! Undoubtedly, your future is limitless! 

According to you, Christopher:
You currently want to be when you grow up:  an artist
Your favorite color is: all but not black
Your favorite show is: the Flash
Your favorite game is: Ticket to Ride
Your favorite toy or activity is: playing with my friends
Your favorite girl is: Riley Jerden
You are really good at: being a pain in the butt to my brother
Your best friend is: Jonah Donald
You want to vacation to: Paris, France
Your favorite ice cream is: ALL
Your wish is to be: the Flash
Your hero is: my mom
Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: play games with them, like Pokemon
Your favorite holiday is: Christmas and Easter
Your favorite person in the whole world is: my mom
Your favorite song is: Chicken Nugget Dreamland
Your favorite restaurant is: Freddy's
Your favorite foods are: Ravioli, Lunchables, Spaghetti, Mama Noodles
If you had $1000 you would buy: "I would give it to St. Jude"

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Baseball and more Baseball

We love watching our boys play ball and each year they improve.  Both boys played first base this year and did very well.