Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Happy 14th Will!

 Today our handsome boy turned 14.  He is a blessing to our family.  He loves to argue and we are working on not talking back but he is a keeper. He has the biggest heart at helping others and helps everyone feel included. He is learning to love to serve others and accompanies his dad most Sundays to take others the sacrament.  He tries his best to make wise choices and remove himself from bad situations, which we could not be more grateful for. He keeps us on our toes. Today he asked to have two friends over and steak, so we made it happen.

Facts about Will by Will:

I love singing and gaming

My favorite thing to do is spend time with friends and family

 I love learning new things about Jesus Christ and new things in school

You currently want to be when you grow up: Marine Biologist

Your favorite color is: A shade of blue called Cyan

Your favorite show is: The Mandolorian

Your favorite game is: Fortnite because I am able to play with all my friends at once

Your favorite toy or activity is: My favorite activity is being able to go to my friend's houses and hang out with them

Your favorite girl is: My mom; You will never find out my crush mom

You are really good at: Gaming, Activities, and Learning

Your best friend is: Walker Orris, James Jones the 3rd, and Gage McGuffee

You want to vacation to: The Disney Cruise because I love the ocean, boats, and disney

Your favorite ice cream is: Cotton Candy

Your wish is to be: A Marine Biologist when I grow up and be a successful one

Your hero is: My little brother as he always is able to calm me down

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: Play games with them

Your favorite holiday is: Christmas

Your favorite person in the whole world is: My little brother

Your favorite song(s) is: Heavy dirty soul, Come and Go, and I've got a feeling

Your favorite restaurant is: Olive Garden

Your favorite foods are: Alfredo, Mac and cheese, pizza, steak, and ice cream

If you had $1000 you would buy: Food, water, and supplies for the poor

Birthday Dinner with Christopher, Riley, JJ Jones, Will, and Walker Orris


Monday, December 27, 2021

Zoo Day

 The weather is till unusually warm, so we met Sandra and Rebekah at the zoo for the day after we took down Christmas that morning.  It was good to get the kids out of the house a little bit. They were ready to go pretty quickly but we made them stay longer.  I despise video games so embrace every opportunity to get them off games. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas Day


Today was nothing but wonderful. After straightening a few things up from the obstacle course, we went back to bed until 11:00 am, then we got up, got dressed, and drove to Jackson.  Our sister gifts this year were my favorite too by far.  Mom bought us each a big pot to cook chili in with all the chili ingredients inside with warm socks to wear as we make it.  I purchased beautiful casserole pans to be used, toe rings, burt bees lip balm, and a wallet keychain. Sandra purchased all a new quick dry beach towel and her favorite energy packets. Becky had everyone two dish towels made with saying from mom and dad, two engraved wooden spoons, and some miniature silicone spatulas.  Charity got everyone her favorite “Perk” drink, her favorite caramel apples, and a foot scraper thing.  The weather was beautiful in the 70’s, so I also enjoyed watching the boys play outside, even the grown up too. It was all fun until Jake had to take Adam to the emergency room because he cut his eye (actually their dog bit him there) and he had to get it all sealed up.  While they were gone, we went on a Christmas truck ride through the fields singing carols. It remined me of the truck rides through the fields growing up.  Jake left Adam at the ER because he had to wait in the car and it was going to be a few hours before he would most likely be seen.  My heart has been warm this weekend and I have felt the Spirit many times.  


I love what the prophet posted on social media last night and hope to remember it always. “While we read the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke, we find the true meaning of Christmas in the gospel of John. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

The first and greatest gift of Christmas was neither gold, nor frankincense, nor myrrh. It was the willing gift from a loving Heavenly Father of His Beloved, Only Begotten Son.

On that first Silent Night, I can only imagine the holy mixture of emotions that our Heavenly Father must have experienced, watching from heaven as His Beloved Son entered a fallen world in the lowliest and most indigent of circumstances.

God is not devoid of emotions. He looks after us with all the tender feeling of a loving parent. I imagine the joy He felt in knowing that this precious infant would eventually win a glorious triumph over sin and death—throwing open the doors of heavenly possibilities so that you and I could someday live again with our loved ones.

But I also believe His joy was tempered by the perfect knowledge of what awaited His Beloved Son. In a few short years from that holy night, this same Son would suffer as none had ever, nor could ever, suffer.

But because our Heavenly Father loves us so much, He allowed these joyful and painful events to take their proper course. Because the world needed saving, and because you and I need saving, He sent us a Savior.

This Christmas, let us accept God’s perfect and precious gift. Let us cast our burdens and sins at the Savior’s feet and experience the joy that comes from repentance and change. Let us follow Jesus Christ and emulate His life as we celebrate His birth.“

Sisters...Back row: Me & Sandra Adamson  Front Row: Charity Dilgard & Rebekah Dickey

I love this man and me enjoying my caramel apple


Christmas Eve

This Christmas Eve may have been one of my favorites. I am not sure if it is because it is sweeter having everyone together since once has moved or because I was feeling slightly better (I have an ear infection) but either way I will take it.  We spent the evening singing carols, read "The Other Wise Man", sang more songs, laughed, played Ticket to Ride, watched "The Chosen Christmas Special- Messengers", and then laughed more.  We put the kids in the media room for the evening about 10:30 pm so we could set up the escape course.  It took us a few hours and we did not get to bed until after 2:00 am.  By 5:00 am, we heard the kids trying to get through the balloons and they made it to our room about 6:00ish to be attacked with silly string as they came in.  We love hearing about it when they finally arrive, though I would love to see it too. 

Christmas Obstacle Course 2021


Clue #1: Taped to the silver balloon towards the beginning (use kids colors in Ticket to Ride- have several Gotcha balloons)

Good luck not making a peep,

This is what you get when you cheat.

This starts with Ginny,

but the next three are no gimmies.

Remember the order of the remaining kids from tonight

Guided with the invisible light.

Each holds inside something dear,

The results should let you know there is more treasure near.

Idea- Ticket to Ride winner for night to coordinate combo from winners train color (same as balloon)   (lock code: 246) at end of balcony banister


Clue#2: inside the 1st lockbox from banister, leads to light downstairs with scripture.

We vacationed without bear,

Which is quite rare.

Tell Alexa the vacation Name

to continue the game.

Let the light lead

To the next code you need.

You will want to read

In order to find the key.

“And he shall be called “Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning: and his mother shall be called Mary” (Mosiah 3:9 page 152 in the Book of Mormon) (lock code: 152)



Clue #3: 4 small pinatas hanging from ceiling (this inside scripture lock box)

Are you tempted because each has treats,

Or will you resist so you do not awake with all the beats?

The clue lies in only one up there.

Don’t worry what you miss, mom will share.


Clue #4: (inside the correct piƱata)

Mom listens to it, and it never gets old,

Her family is the perfect mold.

It has become her favorite Christmas song,

Listening to it all year long.

No congregation will ever sound as swell,

Not even with real bells.

To avoid her rage, we must find the page.

Idea- I heard the Bells on Christmas Day (lock code: 214 (hymnal number)


Clue #5: inside hymnal lockbox

We love this tradition

This year being the 5th edition.

Think back to the date it all started

When we learned Aubree was cold-hearted.

The alarm gave her a scare

So she shoved the baby without a care.

12/25/2015 = where to step to not make noise down the hallway. 

Ginny went to see Hamilton with her friend Isaac 12/23

Aubree styling and looking beautiful

Caroling......melt my heart and I felt the Spirit too. It was PERFECT.

Christmas morning telling us about the path down.....


Monday, December 20, 2021

Happy birthday Me!

 The week before Christmas birthdays are always filled with busyness and not much time to celebrate.  Yet somehow despite it being on a Sunday, it was a near perfect day with our crew.  Our family (yes that included me this year, I got to turn the pages) performed the Casting Crows piano duet of "I heard the bells on Christmas Day" and I am certain Aubree sounded the best she has ever sounded.  And they met quickly in Jake's office for a family photo.  The kids and I came home and made lunch. Jake knew it was going to be a long day at church and that night, we watched "The Grinch".  Becky also stopped by too during the day.  The Dilgard boys were especially good too.  It was a really nice day minus my runny nose and now scratchy throat.  

Here is the post Jake made last night...I am not sure I agree with it all but he is a keeper for sure. "Today my best friend turns 44! I think of the ways that she has made the world a better place in those 44 years. She has served others her entire life, whether it be through a simple smile and kind word or removing debris from natural disasters. She has brought four beautiful children into this world, and helped nurture many more. She has patiently helped me develop as a husband and father. She has been an ambassador for Christ, helping anyone she meets know that they have a Savior who loves them. Renee Farrell you are simply amazing and I am so grateful to God that you are in my life. My world has been and forever will be better with you in it. Happy birthday!"


Saturday, December 18, 2021

The most wonderful time of the year....

I love Christmas. I love how it brings out the best in people and how everyone seems to be a little more opt to be inviting.  Having a daughter whom no longer lives at home, the holidays are a sweeter when she comes home.  December started with a daddy-daughter dance sponsored by the young women. Aubree was reluctant to go at first but she and her dad danced the night away and stole the show.  They are the cutest thing.

Girls just want to have fun!

Could either be any more attractive?