Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect the things we are thankful for. Rebekah, my sister, wrote a little piece about thankful for peace and hope, causing me to contemplate a little more on that. In the past, when I have counted my blessings, I usually reflect on the basics like life, my home, family, gospel, etc. but this Thanksgiving, after reading her comments, I have turned to the values and virtues that I am thankful for. So, today, I am especially grateful for hope, charity, service, and love. I am not saying that I am not thankful for everything else because the gospel, my Savior, and my family top the list but the other virtues are needed to complete the circle of Thanksgiving and happiness. The other night I came home from work and there was no room for me in the bed but my heart was full joy at the sight....all four of my babies nestled in the bed with their daddy. Thank goodness for king size beds!

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