Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eight is GREAT

This week our sweet Aubree celebrated her eighth birthday. Over the weekend, we (headed up by Ginny) surprised her and took her to dinner and gave her the gifts. Then, a couple nights later we went to see a movie and for ice cream and on her actual birthday the next night, out to dinner again. Aubree is a blessing to our family and a source of joy. She is a great example to her siblings and ALWAYS thinks of other people. She has a huge heart and even when people are unkind to her, she tries to show kindness to them. Aubree loves to sing and dance. Her talent of playing the piano is improving daily. She enjoys playing dolls with the neighborhood girls these days too. Currently, Aubree favorites are as follows:
Toys- Monster High dolls and Brave dolls
Food- Pulled pork burritos
Restaurant- Olive Garden
Color- Purple

We love you, Aubree Rae Farrell and are excited for the decision you have made to be baptized. I am forever grateful that you are my daughter and the example you are to me.

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