Thursday, January 16, 2014

Aubree's testimony

This past Sunday Aubree asked if she could share her testimony, here it is in her own words that she had written to share.

I would like to stand and bear my testimony that I know this is the true church of Jesus Christ and I know that I can return to live with Heavenly Father as an eternal family. I know we have a living prophet today, President Thomas S Monson.  I would also like to say that I know the gospel and have such a strong relationship with Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ. I remember once I had gotten these beautiful diamond earrings, so I went outside to play but forgot to take them off, so when I got inside I noticed they were gone. So mom I told my mom and said a couple of prayers. And a a few minutes later I found the smallest piece then my mom found the earring part. And then a few minutes later I found the other small piece and a few minutes later we found the other big piece. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I am grateful for small yet big moments like that and continue to pray that our children know that Heavenly Father is there and that he does hear and answer our prayers.

1 comment:

Sandra and Brent said...

What a beautiful testimony.