Thursday, June 12, 2014

Happy 4th birthday Christopher

My sweet baby boy turned four years old this week. He is such a complete joy but does have a small, little temper too. Last week in Chattanooga, he was being a little naughty and I took a picture of him throwing a fit. After a little bit of his fit, I made him come outside and told him if he did not calm down that I was going to text it to his dad. As I pushed send on the phone, he knocked it out of my hand into a fountain of water (the type that children play in), so in my white skirt, I immediately jumped in to save my phone. Luckily after two days of sitting in rice, the phone worked but I missed out on several pictures that I could have taken on our little trip. Despite the temper, he is such a sweet, smnall boy. He loves super heroes and his special super powers are "cuddling and running fast". Christoper is an important and loved part of our family. He loves to talk, although it is hard to understand him, we still carry on a conversation with him. Here are a few of his favorites: Food:Oreoes, french fries, chips, Restaurant: Subway and Chuckee Cheese Color: blue Movie: "Planes" and in any super hero movie Candy: Hershey's cookies and cream

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