Monday, September 7, 2015

Ginny's 1st cross country race

Ginny ran her first cross country race on 9/5. She was so nervous for it all day, worried she would place last. I felt like a broken record telling her repeatedly that just being able to finish would be a huge accomplishment. She was not first but she wasn't last either (towards the end part of the middle crew). Her time was 12:42 for 1.25 miles. Waiting on her to round the finish corner, my heart was bursting at the seams wanting her to feel accomplished and not discouraged. She was chipper at the end. We stayed to encourage the boys team and watched until the last one crossed the finish line. My heart was warned as I'd watch those exhausted young men approach so exhausted but somehow muster the energy to keep going when they heard others chant for them. Right then I decided that in life, we all need supporters and some, that's what gives the extra ump to go one. 

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