Sunday, February 24, 2019

I have the best kids

          I have absolutely no clue how I am so incredible fortunate to have the children I do.
Ginny was asked to the Priest Laurel prom by a guy and was excited but ended up telling him it could not happen after a few days.  He was trying to pressure her in to things that she was not comfortable with, so she told him that she was uncomfortable going with him.  It was hard for her to do but she did it on her own and then told us about it. As sad I was for her that she experienced it, I was so proud that she realized it could potentially lead to an uncomfortable situation, and had the courage to make the best choice.  Ginny also received her Honor Bee in young women's, which is the highest honor one may receive.

          Aubree is so full of life. She is engrossed in her theater and placed 2nd at impromptu competition. She has a way to make people smile and is seldom afraid to do the right thing. We had a stake standards night tonight and she left the stand (she was the conductor) and went and sat by another young lady sitting along. What an example of noticing people and acting upon it.

          Will has found a love in singing. He auditioned for an honors choir and made it.  He was so happy at his performance and did so well.  I can tell that he is maturing some this year and growing into more of a responsible young man. He is eager to participate in youth activities, including those he is not quite old enough to attend but I love to see him wanting to be involved in gospel opportunities.

          Christopher had his first and last blue and gold banquet. He and his dad made a simple yet fun little dessert.  We have been working to bring up his grades and he has been remaining patient as we strive to do it.  He has a crush on a little girl in his class (and has for about five months) and was insistent that we purchase a class photo, so he can have a picture of her.  He also wanted to ask her to be his Valentine and purchase her a special gift but we explained that may scare her to not even be his friend.  He is definitely a lover.

          Jake and I are diligently working to maintain balance at home, work, and as students.  While we are not perfect it, it is working.  I strive to have all my assignments submitted by Saturday evening (doing them after I out my kids to bed at night), so I can devote Sundays to my family, while Jake does all of his on Saturday and Sunday.  Recently, I have been so concerned with my sisters and their well being that I am losing sleep over it. I want to "fix" everything and realized my desire to help is a great strength but it is also a weakness. I do not rest, fret that it will be too much for Jake, and want my little crew here to not feel neglected, obligated to help, or any divide in our little family. There are sometimes I need to say "no" or not stress about their disagreements and take care of myself and children.  Tonight at the youth standards night, my heart was full and I felt the Spirit comfort my soul as I listened to, If we love Him (the youth 2019 theme song), felt Will rest his head on my shoulder, and watched my girls.  I know He loves me and I can truly show my love for him by loving others.

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