Sunday, September 4, 2022

Happy Birthday Aubree


How’s it possible that Jake and I have two children the world can classify as adults? Happy 18th birthday to our Aubree. She’s the epitome of beauty, kindness, and the desire to do right. Aubree spreads happiness wherever she goes and makes our family better. We are so happy you are safe.
She seems to like the evening of milestones birthdays up be big.we were at Utah football games the eve before her birth and the eve of her 18th. Aubree- continue to go big and be you. We love you! 

You currently want to be when you grow up: A pediatric nurse

Your favorite color is: Sage green

Your favorite show is: Parks and Recreation 

Your favorite game is: Pickleball & Volleyball 

Your favorite toy or activity is: Hiking

Your favorite boy is: Jesus Christ 

You are really good at: -

Your best friend is: Jesus Christ

You want to vacation to: Ireland 

Your favorite ice cream is: Aggie Birthday Cake, obviously 

Your wish is to be: like Jesus

Your hero is: Jesus Christ 

Your favorite thing to do with your friends is: Play sports & paint 

Your favorite holiday is: Christmas & Halloween 

Your favorite person in the whole world is: Jesus Christ

Your favorite song(s) is: A poor wayfaring man of grief & follow me (John Denver) 

Your favorite restaurant is: Gus’s

Your favorite foods are: Pork burritos, grilled chicken 

If you had $1000 you would buy: my school books lo


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